Mega's Competition Dev Log #6

Posted by Astryl on April 24, 2014, 4:07 p.m.

We're now into the last quarter of the competition. 6 days left; this is officially crunch time.

Did quite a few things during the past four days, as I showed in the comments of my last blog. What I didn't do was talk about it much. So here we go.

First off, a screenshot or two:

Me dicking around with Sun Shafts:

And dicking around with Bloom settings:

Going to make things like Bloom optional. Motion blur was going to be optional, but due to some changes, it's not really effective any more.

Anyway… changes.

Switch from Level orientated to Player orientated

My original concept that I threw together had two 'segments' of the level, or 'road', as I'm calling it. These were pretty long (Stretching well beyond the 'back' of the view frustum). When the player hit the join between the two segments, he would be flung back to the starting point , seamlessly (More or less).

This 'works', but was shortsighted of me. Figured this out when I added projectiles. Now I had to either make every moving object jump back if it hit the boundary, or figure out a new way of doing things.

I decided on the latter; generally if you're doing too much work you're doing things wrong.

The system I decided to use is very common in 'endless' games. In this system, the player doesn't move. The level does.

So in my game, the level segments are moving towards the camera at the the same velocity the player should be moving. When it's out of the camera bounds completely, it jumps up to behind the segment behind it.

This is, in fact, a much more seamless transition, and is also going to make handling my AI code a lot easier down the line.

Modeling an Enemy

Spent some time today working on an enemy model. I've been getting far more comfortable with Blender, and the creation of exactly what I have envisioned in my mind. Mechanical and inorganic objects are easier to work with; add a couple of hours overhead to anything vaguely humanoid. :P

I posted a timelapse video on my last blog, but I'll repost it here:

Had a bit of trouble with my normals; I think I accidentally hit Laplacian Smooth at some point during my tweaking of the model, and that did something to the faces I had selected.

I still have a few more enemies to model (Though I'm only aiming to complete one more before the comp deadline), and a huge boss that I have planned.

Anyway, that's enough out of me. Have a GIF/Video of the progress so far:


Castypher 10 years, 10 months ago

Hahah, let's see what Mega's done in only a wee–

Guys I'm dropping out.

Astryl 10 years, 10 months ago

Iridion 3D was one of the best looking 3D games on the GBA. And interestingly, Iridion 2 was the inspiration behind Tunnelspace, which is basically what I decided to clone initially when I started this project. I think it's turning into a lot more, though :P

Hahah, let's see what Mega's done in only a wee–

Guys I'm dropping out.

spike1 10 years, 9 months ago

Wow, this looks really pretty, love the spaceship model :D. What would be cool is the ability to move up and down(I don't know why but that 3rd degree of movement makes me really happy lol), and then you could incorporate different enemies on different "Levels", so its player based when it comes to enemy difficulty as you "Rise" through the ranks :D.But anyway, nice scenery, and once some enemies are in it could be pretty fun :D.

Pirate-rob 10 years, 9 months ago

Mega, add the ability to fly around(the level rotates around you) the level~

Come on, you know you want to~

Astryl 10 years, 9 months ago

@spike1: Yeah, I've already added the third degree of movement; may's well make the best use of all the space I have :P

@Pirate-rob: Adding Gyruss-like movement was among my thoughts for a few days. Tried it, but it was a bit visually disorientating. Would have to slow down the movement a bit or simplify the colors/lights. That, or seizures. :3

There is another way: Let the player rotate in an 'orbit' around the edge of the level, without moving the camera. But I haven't really designed my movement and such around that kind of system, so it's off the feature list :P

EDIT: Decided to take a leap off the deep end. Starting in 9 hours 28 minutes are both Ludum Dare and Google Code Jam. I passed the qualification round in GCJ, so I intend to try Round 1. They're both starting at the same time. Wish me luck/shake your head at my madness.

Charlie Carlo 10 years, 9 months ago

This is super slick. I want to play it.

Astryl 10 years, 9 months ago

Thanks. Working on the final touches for the initial release now. :P

Acid 10 years, 9 months ago

It's not madness, you're just a fucking OG thug.