Final Boss confirmed (Progress Update)

Posted by Astryl on July 8, 2014, 8:06 a.m.

Completition update, I guess. Spent the last few days… doing something completely unrelated to the Hunter reboot I was working on.

That is to say, I ended up back in the midst of Exile's code again. Must be something I ate.

So progress report… I spent the last two days adding in a feature that was in that one version of Exile that had the 3D Mana pickups: the model loader.

As seen in Steven's blog, here is the final boss of Project Phoenix, with its texture this time.


Final boss confirmed. Pay $5 for the "Phoenix Stone" DLC package and you'll get a free spaceship to tackle this monster with!



Actually… it turns out that I'm not going to be using models very much; this project is just to 'fix' the original Exile up a bit, decorate a little, and generally get it back to the point it was at before I lost all the work I had done (That reminds me… I should copy my current working code to Dropbox while I'm thinking about it)…

So in other words… I've wasted time working on a feature I'm not going to be using yet. But that's nothing new.

Technically, I could've done a lot more over the last week, but I was having a bit of an issue with my eyesight. My right eye is a lot weaker than my left, and it's been getting worse over time; partially due to the amount of time I spend in front of a computer monitor, and partially due to these glasses I have. They're too weak to correct my vision properly now.

Just to demonstrate how blind I am, I can't see 12pt text on my monitor at a distance of around 40cm without squinting really hard. But that's only if my right-eye is open. The second I close it I can see with much greater clarity. The glasses help to a degree, but are causing strain themselves (I need a thicker lens at this point).

So I spent a bit of time away from the computer… and changed the system font size settings up to 125% when I got back to it. If that eye gives too much trouble, I'm going to buy a bunch of eye-patches and keep on doing what I do at a hit to my depth-perception.

Another detriment to my productivity has been the addition by my brother of several hundred gigabytes of anime to my HDD. This is including the entire Naruto Shippuden series, the entire One Piece series… Yu-Gi-Oh, Gundam SEED (And Destiny), Hack.//Sign… I stopped them at the Bleach series.

There are a couple of newer ones I've been taking a look at too. Zero no Tsukaima (Familiar of Zero), No Game No Life, Black Butler…

And these are all a huge waste of time. So I started an attempt at multitasking yesterday: Play the anime on left-hand monitor, do work on the right hand monitor. Worked well enough (Coded the model loader, for instance).

Well that's enough of that. I'm going to go get some more work done, ponder career choices, and figure out how I'm going to afford new glasses.


death 10 years, 2 months ago

having bad eye sight sucks, do you have a treatable or operable problem with your eye? or is it permanently impaired? My mom had bad eyesight her entire life but not until she was 40 years old did she consider laser eye surgery which helped a lot. She still has one practically blind eye though but the other one can see stuff!

Wow that is a lot of anime, there's no need to watch the entire Naruto series seeing as the majority of the run time is repeated scenes and flash backs. Not to mention, probably hundreds of gigs of data. What a waste :P

I try not to download anything like that, i just stream anime on numerous streaming sites (anime1, animeseason, chrunchyroll, netflix, funimation, etc). The last anime I watched was pretty weird, not too great but wasn't bad either, I think it was called Akuma no Riddle, it's about 12 assassins being assigned to kill the same helpless girl. Yeah not the best starting point and they could have made better plot choices along the way but it was entertaining enough.

Well this picture you got on here actually shows a bit better, now I can see the mech-like design more. Still feels a bit squashed too me though and the texturing a bit messy.

Astryl 10 years, 2 months ago

It's a minor defect in my one retina, and I haven't looked into whether it's operable or not. Not that I can afford that kind of thing anyway :P

Yeah, Naruto is taking up a ridiculous amount of space. And I told my brother that if he wants to watch any of this, he can stream it like I do.

death 10 years, 2 months ago

Doesn't he have his own computer? :P Or at the very least, he could get his own portable HDD so he doesn't take up all your memory.

Well an operation like that would be pretty expensive but it would certainly be worth it. Always good to have financial goals in mind.