Fun with Windows 10 (Technical Preview)

Posted by Astryl on Oct. 2, 2014, 11 a.m.

So Microsoft Announced Windows 10 a couple of days ago.

That's right, not 9. 10.

They released a Technical Preview for "IT Professionals" and suchlike yesterday, and I signed up.

Downloaded the ISO last night, installed it this morning… and voila:

Dunno if that embed is gonna work. I'm trying OneDrive out, as I haven't installed Dropbox yet.

Here's the new Start Menu, if anybody is interested:

One of the first things I noticed is that Win10 doesn't force you into the Start Screen. It's still around, if you choose to activate it, but isn't the default/imposed setting now.

Metro apps don't run in fullscreen, and instead start maximized and can be resized/moved like any normal Window.

Haven't had any driver issues, with the exception of the generic "Tablet Pen" drivers that were installed for my tablet. Basically, my tablet is one giant "Reset PC" button at the moment :P

On the installation front, installing was smooth, allowed me to install to a partition easily, and dual boots perfectly.

I'll add more pictures and stuff if I feel like it.

EDIT: Yeah, OneDrive doesn't like linking. I'll update the images when I've installed Dropbox.

Dropbox installed and images fixed.


Alert Games 9 years, 11 months ago

@death: This is probably so they'll know exactly what happened if something goes wrong. Microsoft isn't google, so they probably wouldn't know what to do with that information, but they do know how much money you're willing to pay for their OS and office.