New Drawing Program

Posted by Astryl on Aug. 25, 2015, 6:37 a.m.

Yesterday I started messing around with art again, so as to keep in practice.

Only problem is that GIMP keeps on crashing with my tablet; 2.8 doesn't like non-WACOM branded tablets, and 2.6 doesn't pick up the tablet at all.

Then I discovered Krita. And holy crap, I'm not using GIMP again.

Not only does it work perfectly with my tablet, but it supports the CMYK colorspace, can work with PSD images, has full vector support and is basically Photoshop, without the price tag.

It also, for me, beats SAI hands-down. Again, it's free, and its updated more frequently (SAI crashes often on my machine while in the middle of drawing).

I spent the morning sketching things, getting used to the interface and such. Made myself a new avatar that I'm pretty happy with.

So yeah, if any of the other artists on the site want to try it out:


Moikle 9 years ago

How does it compare to the "free version" of photoshop?

Nopykon 9 years ago

The basic key layout made almost immediate sense for me and it seem to perform well. Like my friend put it, Gimp/PS is "image manipulation" where Krita is for pure "drawing".

The new avatar is pretty!

Astryl 9 years ago

CS2? Beats it for me. The range of brushes and filters are of more use to me. The interface is similar enough, here's a screenshot:

I haven't tried any photo editing with this yet, so I don't know how that'll stack up.


The new avatar is pretty!

Moikle 9 years ago

No I mean the "free version" with emphasis on the quote marks

Nopykon 9 years ago

The brush lag is much worse than gimp and PS though (after further testing). In gimp, the lag with a 200px "Hardness 75" round brush with low brush spacing on a 1600x1200, is almost unnoticable.

The equivalent in Krita (200px soft edged round brush, .1 spacing (20px in gimp), no smudging) is really laggy, even when I have way more spacing.

Not that my machine is the greatest, but since I have no real problem in Gimp or PS, it's a real minus. Filling out clouds and stuff was pretty annoying, I hope it improves.

Astryl 9 years ago

@Moikle: I've never bothered to try the "Free" version. Might do it just to test the waters :P

@Nopykon: That's weird, I'm not noticing any major brush lag on my end. No worse than GIMP usually is for me.

Jani_Nykanen 9 years ago

I once tried Krita (it's still in my Linux PC), but it wasn't suitable for my needs (read: no way to disable anti-aliasing).

Castypher 9 years ago

Taizen showed me this a few weeks ago and I've been very impressed. I haven't drawn much recently but it's looking a ton better than SAI, and thank god because SAI was getting on my nerves. Who knows, maybe I'll actually start coloring shit again.

Ferret 9 years ago

(read: no way to disable anti-aliasing)
Oyy, if that's true the deal is off for me :\

Jani_Nykanen 9 years ago

Aside from the Pixel brush, there are, like, 2 options to disable antialiasing in the program (one universal, and another one per brush).
Hmm, it looks like you cannot trust Google anymore (or maybe I didn't use the correct keywords while trying to figure out how to do that)…