Global Game Jam

Posted by Astryl on Jan. 26, 2016, 4:15 a.m.

So, this is a thing that's happening:

Somebody reminded me about it a couple of days ago, and I thought "Nah, I can't get to the city by Friday to join this".

Luckily for me, a series of events followed that statement, and now I am attending the jam at the Cape Town site.

This means I'll be "gone" for most of the weekend. Internet connections are provided on-site, but I'll be trying to not use it very much during jam-time; only exception I might make is to post updates at the tail-end of this blog and on Twitter.

Is anybody else gonna be joining in, whether on-site or from home?


Gift of Death 9 years ago

They seem to be hosting it here as well, in this very town. However I'm still a bit undecided whether to join as a jammer or not (10 spots left), being socially super awkward and anxious even with friends sometimes.

Might drop by as a visitor if that's not a problem tho.

Astryl 9 years ago

In the FAQ on the GGJ site it says that most local venues allow for 'visitations'. Should be fine, unless the organizer in your town is particularly draconian :P

Moikle 9 years ago

My university is taking part in this, but I am also under pretty heavy workload for the moment

F1ak3r 9 years ago

Cool! I'm going to be at the Joburg one. Looking forward to this.

Astryl 9 years ago

I managed to finally get GM:S and GM 8.1 (As backup) onto my Windows XP laptop. Almost all of the issues I had with them were caused by the software I'm using as a virtual KVM switch (To use one keyboard and mouse across my connected computers).

Also found that I apparently had a license for GM:S Professional. Got YYG to send me a list of my licenses and bam, there's the Pro module for Windows.

Also installed Aseprite, BFXR, Famitracker, etc. All ready to go :P

As absolute emergency backup, I have SFML and GCC.

Cool! I'm going to be at the Joburg one. Looking forward to this.
Nice! We'll have to compare notes afterwards :P

Jani_Nykanen 9 years ago

Well, someone is apparently hosting this in the city where I live, but too bad I'm in a different town on weekend (and even if I weren't, I would probably skip this one, I prefer solo online jams).

F1ak3r 9 years ago

So far so good. Going to sleep now and will start up again in a few hours.

F1ak3r 9 years ago

So I thought this was a pretty fun event. Think I'm more of a remote jam kinda guy, but I had fun making a silly game with a friend and got to see some other people's cool stuff.

This game was mine, but it's only semi-playable in its GGJ state and I changed a bunch of variables for the demo so it doesn't really work quite as intended. It's very much in my usual aesthetic: bad graphics, different-but-not-necessarily-fun gameplay, lacking balance, and a fair amount of funny text and general humorous touches. We got some good laughs at the demo.

This was the best game presented, though I think it may be more entertaining when presented at my site than when played. Still a very nice effort.

Something I noticed during the last Ludum Dare I did and here again is that GM seems to be becoming less and less used. Unity appears to be the tool of choice for the overwhelming majority. My team was the only one who presented with GM, and there was a wave of derisive "oh no Game Maker" in the audience. Which would only strengthen my resolve to keep using my easy tool for my fun gamedev hobby but…

I really feel like I strained against some limits with this one. Not in terms of graphics or power, but in terms of what you can express nicely in GML. My game required a fair bit of data-fiddling: comparing lists and strings and lists of strings. Doing this without a simple, Pythonesque way to make lists, with a very limited array of list manipulation functions and also without regex was a chore. On the Sunday afternoon I remembered Twisterghost's gdash and downloaded and integrated that, but it was too little, too late (though gdash is rad and you should check it out if you haven't).

So I think I'm going to give Unity another bash, so I can have another tool in my belt. GM is good at getting rectangles to move around on the screen with very little effort, but it's bad at data manipulation and it's bad at text. I'm still absolutely going to use it for things, but I want to only do so when I'm playing to its strengths.

Astryl 9 years ago

Things ended up happening to me that kinda forced me out halfway through the second day. Will post about that a bit later.