Has someone once said...

Posted by Atlas on April 20, 2012, 7:50 a.m.

Today, as i was enjoying myself a nice lunch, at one of those English coffee houses, that are not only not in England, but are also not houses, that i often find myself at.

It has a quaint atmosphere, two employees, and a kitchen smaller than a single-person sweatshop. So, i was speaking to one of the my friends there, whilst watching the news on that old television they have showing various global news channels, trying to figure out exactly what's happening in the world, when one of my friends turns to me, and says, after about a minute of thought, the words "Are you happy?".

By instinct, I answered yes, as anyone else quickly would, like when someone says "How was your day", and regardless of how your day has been, you'd just say "good".

In-fact, i ran into an old friend while taking a jog around the local park the other day.

Since I had been jogging, there was little oxygen going to my brain, so i was thinking quite straight. i said, first "How are you?" At first, he responded, as one would instinctively say, "good." So then, I, rather foolishly, said "and what about you?"

I don't know who was more confused by that, me or him, but don't answer on instinct, and don't speak while running.

Oh wow, i dodged that question up there for a while, didn't I? I shouldn't do that.

So, to answer that question, sure, I'm happy.

To answer truthfully, no, not really.

To be honest, i doubt that many people are really, truly happy. We hold ourselves in comparison with our sensationalist media, to such a degree that we, well most of us anyway, have decided that in order to be happy, we have to be having a new relationship every few days, a mass of followers, screaming at you as you get of your private jet, oh yeah, and a private jet.

Or, more realistically, we want to have something happening at every, single, fucking, instance of our overdrawn lives, as of such, most of us could not easily watch a blank screen for more than a minute. why? nothing is fucking happening.

Of course, with the population steadily rising in just about every nation, there is becoming less and less to do (which contributes to the rise in internet popularity), but more importantly, more people are striving to fill the fewer roles, as they see others doing it.

So, in short, no, I don't find myself to be a happy person, and I'm not quite sure if I could explain why. mainly because i don't know.

wow, what a pointless post.

well, I guess i could always ask you a question or two.

see what i did right there? A singular addressing for a large instance. makes you feel better, doesn't it?

So, what about you guys?

Are you happy?

Do you know why, and if so, what?

of course, if you don't want to answer, you don't have to.


svf 12 years, 5 months ago

Depressing post….

JuurianChi 12 years, 5 months ago

I suppose I'm not as depressed as I used to be, but I'm not as happy as I could be.

Happiness is different for different people, while some people enjoy the status quo, I've learned that I have an inkling for something different.

Atlas 12 years, 5 months ago

"depressing post"

If it's enough to make someone feel bad, then it's enough to make someone think.

If it's enough to make you think, then it's enough .

Toast 12 years, 5 months ago

To be honest I find complaining about celebrity, materialistic culture just as boring and brainless as celebrity, materialistic culture.

Rez 12 years, 5 months ago

Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad. Am I more happy than I am sad on a regular basis? No, absolutely not. But I would say the magnititude of happiness I get from creating and hearing stimulating ideas exceedes that of the general population's.

Rez 12 years, 5 months ago

Also, i concur with my toast slice,

JuurianChi 12 years, 5 months ago

What toast said.

I think there's a bit of arbitrary irony in asking your question, Atlas.

Lorik 12 years, 5 months ago

I think a lot of people aren't happy simply because they haven't figured out what they really want out of life. They get what they thought they wanted, but remain unhappy because it wasn't really what they wanted, or else they're changing their minds about what they think they want so often that they never actually attain anything they want.

Of those who actually have figured it out, I would suppose the unhappy ones are the ones who couldn't get what they decided they wanted out of life.

Rob 12 years, 5 months ago

To be honest, i doubt that many people are really, truly happy. We hold ourselves in comparison with our sensationalist media, to such a degree that we, well most of us anyway, have decided that in order to be happy, we have to be having a new relationship every few days, a mass of followers, screaming at you as you get of your private jet, oh yeah, and a private jet.

I grew up on an island with no cable TV and no internet (until I was almost 14, and even then it was dial-up until I was 17), so I'm pretty sure this is not why I am unhappy. (nor do I want most of that stuff)