Find out how your life will turn out.

Posted by Balding Chimp on Dec. 2, 2007, 9:43 a.m.

Ever want a second chance at living your life? Wonder how things may have turned out if you made some different choices? Currious how your life may turn out in the future? Then you may want to try out this game online,,,a remake of the old Activision game Alter Ego.

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Alter Ego is a game that is unlike just about anything else for it's time. No shooting aliens or jumping over things. The game is pretty much all text (With some better gaphical icons in this new version.)

Text? Boring! Well…not really…the game can be quite interesting, as you are presented with situations you would normaly encounter thru your life. In fact if I remember right I think physcologists either helped with the design or had some say on it about the situations.

The game presents you with various situations thru your whole life you can pick in any order for your age at the time. You select the answer you would give from a multiple choice list. The situations can be a bit comical (mom neading help in the kitchen, but you ignore her to watch your super-duck cartoons. Throwing parties when your are a teenager and the folks are away), or it can be quite serrious… (A stranger offers to give you a ride,,.).

You could die at any time depending on the answers. It could be a freak accident. (Being hit by a fly ball at a baseball game), or thru stupidity (You take that ride with the stranger in the car). I died once by pushing my luck in a row boat when I was an old man having chest pains.

The questions cover just about every aspect of your life.. Social, Emotional, Intellectual, Family, Physical, Vocational…etc. Scores go up or down in categorys depending on your answers. You have scores for calmness, confidence, expressiveness, gentleness, happiness, thoughtfullness, trustworthyness… also keeps track of money, your income per turn (if you have a job), thoughtless spending… (Yep…you can have low income but you are still going to waste your money on the super computer, and awesome stereo system, aren't you?) ;)

When I say this game covers your whole life…I am not kidding. It goes from moments before you are born to the grave (whenever that will be).

You can date other people, change jobs, go to college… or maybe stealing in your youth has shattered your chances a bit trying to get ahead, throwing wild parties, backstabing friends to get ahead in situations, being caught in lies…

You can play as Male or Female so the questions can suit you better. Long before games like The Sims, Alter Ego was totallty different. Best of all, you can go back and play again and see how your life would be if you were a really nasty person, lived like a saint, etc. As for me…I am avoiding row-boats in my future. ;)


Balding Chimp 17 years, 2 months ago

(That takes forever, I bet that took a long time to make)

Yeah, it's not "my" game but Activision that made the original many years back. Took like three 5 1/4" floppy disks back then for it.

I started a new game right now trying to be the worst person I could be in every situation (except dangerous situations where you may die for sure)….

So far I have set the house on fire playing with matches, beat up a kid at school, passed out with some girl in her car after going to a toga party, been expelled from school, lost my first job (and nobody want's to hire me now? Go figure), cheated on my girlfriend, tried driving dads car when he wasn't looking and hit a cop car, been in detention, orderd to do comunity service (and refused),… I forgot how funny this game was the way they tell some scenarios. Almost makes you want to choose the worst answers just to see what happens. =)

melee-master 17 years, 2 months ago

That sounds pretty awesome.

RetroVortex 17 years, 2 months ago

[qoute]I said 'No, I can't come with you' to the dude in the car.

I ran away… for some "Help"

*loads shotgun*

Balding Chimp 17 years, 2 months ago

I played on…I got an STD from Helga the flaming torch at a bachlor party, had a heart attack at a fairly early age (and lived), did drugs, became alcoholic and in general a cranky old man…eventualy died at an old age (playing very carefull on life threatening situations). I selected the death icon to end it though, but my scores were all pretty low. Well, I am glad I didn't make those choices for real. Always another life in this game to correct things =)

melee-master 17 years, 2 months ago

After a long, but very relaxing day, with a deep sigh you climb into bed and sink into the warm, cushiony fabric. As you drift off, feelings of intense serenity and well-being overwhelm you. Pleasant images of childhood visit with sweet memories of Mom and Dad, school, and growing up.

The memories flash by your mind's eye with startling reality – the smell of school on your first day, the outfit your very first girlfriend wore on your first date. You recall places you haven't visited for years in picture-perfect detail. Friends and neighbors who have gone on greet you.

They are filled with excitement to see you, though you soon realize they are not communicating their joy in words. It's almost as if…

this will go on forever…

You have died.

Took me about two hours.

gamehawk 17 years, 2 months ago

I used to play it all the time, it's a freaking awesome game. Oh, and it was designed by a psychologist (in case you were wondering).

LoserHands 17 years, 2 months ago

I'll try to finish this sometime. Is there a link that takes you back to your saved game instead of having to start all over?

Balding Chimp 17 years, 2 months ago

When I go back to the site and start the game, it just takes off from where I left for me.

Lapixx 17 years, 2 months ago

It takes much time indeed, too much for me xD…

Anyway, It doesn't look so good, but it is very advanced (as in, many directions you can go to). Anyway, I just died (in the game), so I won't be kidnapped :p…

Balding Chimp 17 years, 2 months ago

I think it is possible to skip to different ages in your life if you wanted to, but the scores would probably not as accurately reflect you. You died before being kidnapped? Wow…how did that one happen? Had to be pretty young in the game. I burned a hole in the rug trying to help with ironing…did something fall on you?