Maths lesson

Posted by Barbie on May 26, 2009, 9:21 p.m.

As pledged, today’s math’s lesson presented me with the perfect opportunity to make use of my schools wireless internet to post my story *evil smile*.

To business… here is my 457 word description of an event. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!

While I sat reminiscing about the school I had attended in my youth, my mind paused at a particularly sinister memory of a cold winter’s day forty years ago. A shiver ran down my spine. He sat heavy, hair thinning, grime under his yellow nails, horrible pointy teeth, leering at a pretty girl in the front row, glasses gleaming as he twined a piece of the girls golden hair around his frightening fat fingers. He inspected her face as he violently pulled the chunk of hair from her head. He then proceeded to clamber to his feet and start his sermon. “In my day this would not have been tolerated. Two lunches of mine have been stolen in the past week. When I find out which miniature blackhead infested ….â€? As his voice droned on, I felt a shiver ripple through the class.

I hastily tried to scrub my hands clean with the inside pocket of my dress. He passed through the class like the stench of rotting fish guts and settled at his favourite spot on the chair in front of the frosted window. “When I find out which snotty little kid has taken my delectable chocolate cake I swear I’m going to hang them out this window by their ankles.â€? He opened the window as wide as it would go and let the chilling air circulate the tiny room. He started his repetitive rocking to and fro from the window ledge, his stomach trembling like a heavy sack of potatoes. “Own up or all of you nasty animals will pay the price.â€? No one moved.

He grew more agitated, his face turning a satisfactory shade of purple, the chair being thumped more violently against the window frame, hovering dangerously close to the open gap. “Lucy! Come here this instant!â€? The fragile little girl sprung from her seat as if having received an electric shock. His chair beat more menacingly against the window frame nudging ever closer to the open window. “Let me see your hands!â€? The frightened little girl gradually opened the palm of her hand reveling smudged chocolate patches. His purple face deepened and he let out an enormous bellow while ramming his chair once more against the frame. But he missed. The sound of surprise gripped the room of small children. Little Lucy cautiously edged toward the window and peered down. “He’s dead!â€? she shouted with glee. The classroom was blown into chaos. The window slammed closed. Singing, dancing, skipping, whistling, name calling and shrieking filled the air. His black briefcase was snapped open to reveal another scrumptious chocolate cake. The triumphant children gathered around and ate with delight while chocolate icing oozed, like Mr Steward on the cement outside, down their fronts.


TDOT 15 years, 9 months ago

Haha! Very entertaining. I was a bit surprised when the man actually fell out of the window. Seems a high price for chocolate cake :p

The reaction of the children made the story.

username 15 years, 9 months ago

I liked it.

I wonder, is 64digits one of the only interactive sites which is not blocked by the filter at school, like with me?

Rez 15 years, 9 months ago


Barbie 15 years, 9 months ago


@username: The only sites I can get into are 64digits and myspace (wretchedly I don’t have a myspace account). But is a great site to go to if you get bored in class/have a free. Out of curiosity, what exactly is the image in your avatar?

username 15 years, 9 months ago

You're welcome.

My avatar it is Nosferatu, from the 1922 silent film.

I am surprised MySpace is not blocked, that is odd. FML is hilarious but incredibly sad at the same time. Also, Some of them are amusing. If I am bored and happen to b in the library or a computer lab I usually read webcomics or come on here..

Barbie 15 years, 9 months ago

Hahaha sorry I don’t mean to sound ignorant but I've honestly never heard of it. :)

Is it good?

Yeah I spend my time on either 64digits or FML and when Facebook is unblocked at 3pm I get to play Mafia Wars (highlight of my day). Hahahahah self proclaimed nerd of the century :)

username 15 years, 9 months ago

You don't sound like an ignorant person. Is it good? Well, you may judge for yourself..

Sokay about the nerd thing. I just realised I spent the majority of my Saturday afternoon sitting in my room watching anime : /

Barbie 15 years, 9 months ago

hahahha thanx for the link.

I cant top that:) hahahaha I was on 64digits/facebook and repeatedly checked my emails to see if a teacher had emailed me. It’s sad, I get more emails from teachers than from friends.

Glen 15 years, 8 months ago

I hate all the emails from teachers.

Barbie 15 years, 8 months ago

I totally agree!!!