What you don't know will kill you

Posted by BenRK on Oct. 12, 2006, 9:02 p.m.

As proven in Halo 2 when your trying to snipe and some one comes up behind you and KOs you instantly with a swing of their SMG. And also proven in my Virtual RAM, the subject of this blog.

As you may or may not know, my computer sucks beyond suck. It is a fricken game killer. Only 128MB of RAM? Go ahead, say it. My computer sucks. I openly admit it all the time, as proven by this blog. I recently (about half a month ago) learned that part of my hard drive could be used as RAM as well. I looked up some stuff, and I know it's slow, but compared to my current RAM, it would help.

Anyway, recently (earlyer today), I learned how to get into the virtual RAM and change it during my PC Support class, and you know what I was going to do. So, as soon as I was able to drive home, press the power button on my computer, eat dinner, watch the end of a show, and get back to my computer a while later, I got into the virtual RAM and set it from "REDICULESLY LOW!" to "OMG! 2GIGS OF RAM!". I have noticed some improvement, but games are still somewhat slow. Though I expect that is my video cards fault.

And now onto game maker news.

"There is no news tonight."




frenchcon1 18 years, 4 months ago

Quote: your banner
this IS my banner

nice deduction, sherlock

BenRK 18 years, 4 months ago

Some one dosen't get that joke.