What you don't know will kill you

Posted by BenRK on Oct. 12, 2006, 9:02 p.m.

As proven in Halo 2 when your trying to snipe and some one comes up behind you and KOs you instantly with a swing of their SMG. And also proven in my Virtual RAM, the subject of this blog.

As you may or may not know, my computer sucks beyond suck. It is a fricken game killer. Only 128MB of RAM? Go ahead, say it. My computer sucks. I openly admit it all the time, as proven by this blog. I recently (about half a month ago) learned that part of my hard drive could be used as RAM as well. I looked up some stuff, and I know it's slow, but compared to my current RAM, it would help.

Anyway, recently (earlyer today), I learned how to get into the virtual RAM and change it during my PC Support class, and you know what I was going to do. So, as soon as I was able to drive home, press the power button on my computer, eat dinner, watch the end of a show, and get back to my computer a while later, I got into the virtual RAM and set it from "REDICULESLY LOW!" to "OMG! 2GIGS OF RAM!". I have noticed some improvement, but games are still somewhat slow. Though I expect that is my video cards fault.

And now onto game maker news.

"There is no news tonight."




Kaz 18 years, 4 months ago

@ Mastermind + Biggerfish

I've download movies that are more than half the size of your hdd…

Darktech 18 years, 4 months ago

What you can't see can kill you…So your blog name can be right or wrong..

liquid 18 years, 4 months ago

HD videos I'm assuming?

And Ben I guess it is your RAM. My CPU is a 1.6GHz Sempron with an ATI 9600. I can run any game on atleast medium specs really. I need to upgrade for Gothic 3 though, I suggest picking up some RAM at newegg or something. It should help out with Game Maker stuff. If you have a Fry's near you, they usually have some nice deals on PC parts

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 4 months ago

Quote: Kaz
@ Mastermind + Biggerfish
That's wrong on so many levels, DELETE IT.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 4 months ago

Quote: biggerfish
@ Mastermind;

I only have 4gb…

I actually have two hard drives, meaning I actually have 10GB. Woot.

Maxcore 18 years, 4 months ago

I would rather just keep my 1 gig, and then play my nintendo 64.

flashback 18 years, 4 months ago


OH! And USBs can be set up as virtual RAM. You just have to have it plugged in and the drive installed, then you can select it from the list.
I know, I wasn't asking.

Stupid windows "support" people…

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 4 months ago

I don't use a paging file on my computer. I turned it off since it actually improves performance to do so when you have as much ram as me.

OL 18 years, 4 months ago


Common misconception. Turning off the page file does not improve performance, it degrades it.

Virtual Memory is always in use, even when the memory required by all running processes does not exceed the amount of RAM installed on the system.

Source: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/SupportCD/XPMyths.html

Anyway, by ensuring you have a large page file set up, defrag your hard drive every now and then, remove excess running programs and services and do a bit of tweakage, your pc will run speedy.

I got a 133mhz,30mb ram, 2mb video running zippyer than a 2ghz machine in Windows.

BenRK 18 years, 4 months ago

Once I update my RAM and video card, I expect I will turn down my virtual RAM to save on hard drive space, but space is none of my concern right now. I'm the only one who uses this computer and I have 20+gigs of space available to me, so tell me why I should be worried with TONS of space left? Because I'm not, but defraging sounds like a good idea, and as for excess programs, sure, I'll take off that anti virus (sarcasm). But now, I have to see how well Sim City 4 will run.