As proven in Halo 2 when your trying to snipe and some one comes up behind you and KOs you instantly with a swing of their SMG. And also proven in my Virtual RAM, the subject of this blog.
As you may or may not know, my computer sucks beyond suck. It is a fricken game killer. Only 128MB of RAM? Go ahead, say it. My computer sucks. I openly admit it all the time, as proven by this blog. I recently (about half a month ago) learned that part of my hard drive could be used as RAM as well. I looked up some stuff, and I know it's slow, but compared to my current RAM, it would help.Anyway, recently (earlyer today), I learned how to get into the virtual RAM and change it during my PC Support class, and you know what I was going to do. So, as soon as I was able to drive home, press the power button on my computer, eat dinner, watch the end of a show, and get back to my computer a while later, I got into the virtual RAM and set it from "REDICULESLY LOW!" to "OMG! 2GIGS OF RAM!". I have noticed some improvement, but games are still somewhat slow. Though I expect that is my video cards fault.And now onto game maker news."There is no news tonight."~BenRKIT'S 2GIGS MAN! 2GIGS!
how o you cahne virtual ram? and what dose it do?
Explain please. I also have a shit computer.
My computer has only 5GB of space, meaning it sucks more than any of yours. Woot.
Don't mess with that stuff. It WILL come back and bite you in the ass. I did that once and i din't have enough pagefile allocations and my comp crashed
I only know how to change it on Windows XP, but I expect it's the same for older versions as well.
Right click My Computer > Click Properties > Go to Advance > Click Performence settings > Go to Advanced > Click Virtual Memory settings and there you go.It's not the best RAM in the world, but it helps, as proven by my blog.…I think I would rather use my 1gb USB key as RAM than make my hard drive have more work, thanks.
My computer has tons of space I'm not using, and even with 2 to 4 gigs of virtual RAM on my computer, I still have well over 25gigabites to play with. I wont be getting any low harddrive memory any time soon. And I use this mostly for game maker.OH! And USBs can be set up as virtual RAM. You just have to have it plugged in and the drive installed, then you can select it from the list.Woot for my 20 gigs left! I got 1 gb of ram. You might need a new CPU or GPU maybe Ben. My computer suffers in games like Oblivion or CSS when theres a lot going on, but I have no fans aside from the power supply, cpu and gpu fans. I'm putting some in tomorrow, but yeah CPU and Ram kind of go hand and hand.
@ Mastermind;
I only have 4gb…Thanks for the RAM idea…My CPU runs at a good 2.20GHz. I know that it's my RAM and video card, everything else is fine.