Im really p!ssed

Posted by BlaXun on Nov. 25, 2006, 4:40 p.m.

Hey there everybody….damn I am P!ssed !!!!

Some may know Im from germany…most may not….

Anyway….there was an accident over here with a 19 year old school-member attacking his school, shooting around and then shooting himself…

He got his hands on two weapons over ebay and also got some pipebombs….

he even wrote a long text WHY he wants to do that and released that on his blog, which was now closed.

What do you think the source for his actions was???


Seriously, all that got across the media over here was "That guy played KILLERGAMES"

killergames? WTF is that?

I'll tell you…FIRST PERSON SHOOTERs….those are now called KILLERGAMES here….

why am I so pissed???


Even in his blog he wrote WHY he wanted to kill…he didnt even mention anything bout games AT ALL…he got his reasons…computergames didnt get him that far, but of course everybody needs something as a cause…videogames cant defend theirself and are the best target….

Now it begins…VIDEOGAMES (or "KILLERGAMES" as we call em now) shall be forbidden over here…FORBIDDEN!

NO MORE QUAKE, NO MORE Counter-Strike NO MORE HALF-LIFE and all those games because they all make us terrorists that will kill everybody around.

I hope they wont get through with that decission to forbidd games.

It really sucks living over here….

Maybe some of your read this…I'd like to hear you comments…DAMN AM I p!ssed OFF >,<


Flea1991 18 years, 2 months ago

Are all vido games forbidden there, or just 'killer games'?

BlaXun 18 years, 2 months ago

They want to forbidd as many "violent" games as possible…doesnt matter if its 16 years or 18 years games…VIOLENCE IS VIOLENCE and will make you all TERRORISTS!…this sucks guys….

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 2 months ago

Killer Games? How original.

Quietus 18 years, 2 months ago

First Person Shooters bring out the best in mentally unstable teenagers.

link 18 years, 2 months ago

Almost all games have some degree of violence in them. The only few that do not are generally puzzle games. So even platform games such as mario jumping on peoples heads would be considered violence. I doubt it would go as far as mario or other games of that sort, but if they did go that far then by the esrb rating system all games E+10, T, and M would be forbidden which sucks. I think taking away violent video games would make people more violent since some may take out anger on half life after a hard day at school, work, or home.

BlaXun 18 years, 2 months ago

Hey, what name would get more attention from parents then KILLERGAMES? It sounds most dangerous like that…thats what they want!

They dont ask "How could that guy purchase weapons over ebay" or "Why did nobody do a thing if he even posted it all on his blog?" NO, they found counter-strike on his HDD and decided ITS THE FAULT OF "KILLERGAMES"

Germany sucks! Thats it once and for all!

poultry 18 years, 2 months ago


BlaXun 18 years, 2 months ago

yes, sure! you have to kill in that game and that makes you violent….BAN IT!

seriously, germany is allready the hardest country worlwide if it comes to restrictions, games have to go through several controls to get labeld as "SELLABLE"

Games like SOLDIER OF FORTUNE 2 got completey re-written just for germany.

Instead of killing people you now shoot on robots..ROBOTS? DOES THE STORY MAKE EVEN SENSE THEN? no, it doesnt so they even changed the whole story…in the end we got a totally different game that was available with 16 years…

IF A GAME IS LABELED AS AN 18-SELLER it is NOT FOR KIDS and doesnt need to be changed for 16 years old…IT IS FOR ADULTS and those should enjoy it in its original form…but germany thinks another way…..Im so ashamed of this country

Arcalyth 18 years, 2 months ago

They're idiots. If he posted everything, why did they not bother to read it? You should get some friends and assemble a protest.

BlaXun 18 years, 2 months ago

heh ^^; no time for such nice actions, but of course there was allready a big "battle" between those who want to forbidd and the gamers. They even had a TV show that said all gamers are criminals…