Im really p!ssed

Posted by BlaXun on Nov. 25, 2006, 4:40 p.m.

Hey there everybody….damn I am P!ssed !!!!

Some may know Im from germany…most may not….

Anyway….there was an accident over here with a 19 year old school-member attacking his school, shooting around and then shooting himself…

He got his hands on two weapons over ebay and also got some pipebombs….

he even wrote a long text WHY he wants to do that and released that on his blog, which was now closed.

What do you think the source for his actions was???


Seriously, all that got across the media over here was "That guy played KILLERGAMES"

killergames? WTF is that?

I'll tell you…FIRST PERSON SHOOTERs….those are now called KILLERGAMES here….

why am I so pissed???


Even in his blog he wrote WHY he wanted to kill…he didnt even mention anything bout games AT ALL…he got his reasons…computergames didnt get him that far, but of course everybody needs something as a cause…videogames cant defend theirself and are the best target….

Now it begins…VIDEOGAMES (or "KILLERGAMES" as we call em now) shall be forbidden over here…FORBIDDEN!

NO MORE QUAKE, NO MORE Counter-Strike NO MORE HALF-LIFE and all those games because they all make us terrorists that will kill everybody around.

I hope they wont get through with that decission to forbidd games.

It really sucks living over here….

Maybe some of your read this…I'd like to hear you comments…DAMN AM I p!ssed OFF >,<


hobomonkeyc 18 years, 2 months ago


I'm gonna go take over my school with a sword :)

Mordi 18 years, 2 months ago

You can buy weapons on eBay? Blame that, and the fact that he was mentally unstable. 0.01 percent of people playing CS shoot people in real life. I bet…

Hootiehoo 18 years, 2 months ago

No Half-Life 2? =o

Man, that SUCKS.

BlaXun 18 years, 2 months ago

for now we can still play those, but if the future wants it we wont see any ego-shooter over here…nor a new resident evil or other nice games….

yes…its a shame

Mordi 18 years, 2 months ago

Well, you can always just use piracy on PC: Import for consoles.

BlaXun 18 years, 2 months ago

Yes, that would be the consequences. more copying US versions and also IMPORTING us games …the game industry over here wouldnt like to see that because that alters the country-sales and they dont gett accurate selling-infos

chiggerfruit 18 years, 2 months ago

Damn 70's+ generation… banning things they don't understand… ooh that reminds me of this:

<a href="">The Child That Smelt Odd</a>

David Firth kicks ass even though it's mighty wierd ass.

It has to do with banning things for dumb reasons.

Graydon 18 years, 2 months ago

I beleive that First Person shooters take away a teenagers stress so they dont want to actually kill someone in real life, and i have had my killer games banned by mom too, if you want to find out more read one of my blogs, entitled "first Person shooters"

rockyran 18 years, 2 months ago

Violent TV shows and movies are a lot bigger an influence than any video game. Although there ARE a few stupid people who get influenced by video games, there are a lot "sources" of violence if they want to take it seriously.

Shork 18 years, 2 months ago

Du kommst aus Deutschland? Supercool! (Did I say that right?)