Slime-Online ^-^/")

Posted by BlaXun on Jan. 23, 2007, 12:34 a.m.

Hehe…pretty wierd blog-title…isnt it? :Þ

I started making a new game…finished BTO to a point it cant be worked on anymore.

My new game is called "SLIME ONLINE"

Its a Single-Player Online-Game"

What it means?

Well, basicly you play alone on your computer, but you are always connected to a server (which I run on my system)

Accounts are created over here and you can log#in as long as the server is online.

The game itself is a good old 2D platformer.

You walk around as a small slime, collect slime-balls…explore the surroundings and such.

The game is a mix between Seiklus, Withinadeepforest and Ragnarok Onlines "Poring" ;)

To explpain the online part a bit more I have an example:

You walk around within the game and see a switch…you go to it and activate it…all other players get the message "Yournamehere activated the noob-switch"

and a door opened for all players.

Thats just a basic example, but there are many other cool things that can be done.

For now I have the account creating, server and game system running, as well as graphics music (*.mod,*.xm,*.it,*.s3m files) and such…

I need more maps now.

Here are a few screens:

I'd like to get some replys on this little project.

Feel free to ask questions or give suggestions.

Thanks in advance



Jenner 18 years, 1 month ago

hehe.. first I thought you where makíng an online slime soccer game, but this seems pretty cool too..

Nathan 18 years, 1 month ago

Thats one sweet idea of a game you go there. Not to mention one nice game too hehe.

Graydon 18 years, 1 month ago

That game sounds like fun.

Alx 18 years, 1 month ago

Ill play it when it releases for sure.

Castypher 18 years, 1 month ago

Very nice. The graphics blend pretty well. This is the type of game I'm trying to make: a multiplayer online battle game.

You need to teach me all this multiplayer stuff sometime.

BlaXun 18 years, 1 month ago

Heh. its pretty easy ^^

to get it synchronizing is the "hard" part

Castypher 18 years ago

The synchronizing is what I need help with, actually.