Slime Online Video on Google-Video and more!

Posted by BlaXun on Jan. 24, 2007, 9:42 p.m.

Hey there everybody.

I worked some more on my next game "Slime Online"

I improved the Server speed about 50%

I also fixed some smaller things and added a nice feature.

Its a score scanner, step through it and it will compare your score with the score of the other players

If you got the highest score it will be written on a board…but of course not just for you but for everybody.

The sound is pretty bad…stupid HyperCam.

I'll add more areas to the game soon….

I'd like your ideas on this game.

Thx, and enjoy the video ^-^




Omega_Squid 18 years ago

That looks pretty cool, good job!

Alx 18 years ago

Looks good so far.

rabid squirrel 18 years ago

awesome!!! It looks great as a game in itself, but it's online? WOW! *waits impatiently*

BlaXun 18 years ago

Wow, some quick comments ^^

Thank you everybody.

Yes, it is online ^^ Im running the server on my computer.

Everything works pretty good so far.

Only thing is…I use GM7 to make this you might know…GM7 is still I cant release any demos…I'd like to :/

Lets just hope that GM7 final can read my Slime Online files :/

OBELISK 18 years ago

Looks pretty nice!

Alx 18 years ago

The main character sprite looks a little weird btw.

BlaXun 18 years ago

heh ^^ in what way?

Hes supposed to be …a small slime x'D

Requiem 18 years ago

Hmm, looks… neat.

A few suggestions, a little chat system would be nice, and maybe a few rare pickups that only show up once in a while, and dissapear once any player picks them up. On a similar note, do the buttons eventually unpress themselves? If not, well, that's not cool.

Oh, and I'm a sucker for chiptunes. =P

Patrick7286 18 years ago

looks great! =D

Nathan 18 years ago

One awesome game you got here! Yes buttons do unpress themselves…not that I know or anything ;)