The OITS v0.92b

Posted by Carlos508 on Jan. 24, 2011, 2:05 a.m.

About the App

The OurGMC Interactive Tutorial Suite (OITS: oh-its) is designed to allow users to engage in tutorials in real-time. The OITS allows the user to do the following:

* Hands on learning

* Code Testing

* Code Debugging

* Quick Prototyping

* Test GM8 Pro features without even having GM installed

How To

After extracting, simply load the app, select the "About OurGMC" Course, and click "Begin Course" on the left.

New in v0.92b

* Context Menus now work

* Fixed the hanging issue when using alt-Tab to change windows

* Moved DLL's into the "bin" folder for a more professional look

Known Issues

* "Sound Device Disabled" - this happens randomly and I think it's more of an issue with GM than anything.

* Misplaced "About" Page - Very annoying, the splash screen places itself randomly no matter what values I use (even if I use the -1,-1 trick).

* When clicking the combo boxes in the "Events Tab", the background is turned to black. I think this can be changed by using a brush, but for now I'll leave it as is.

Things to look for in the future

* Keyboard Shortcuts

* .gmk/.gm6 Export/Import - If I can get this to work properly, I know I'll be able to turn the OITS into a flash engine, which is my ultimate goal. What it will do is import the .gmk and build everything in memory - just like it does with Courses/Lessons - and export all those objects back out as flash, java, XNA, whatever code. I've got a few ideas but still need some work.

* Grab objects - Another step into my final goal, to be able to click and drag objects around without messing their code. This is actually easy to do, and should be available in the next release.

* Path/Timeline/Room Editor - Would be nice to be able to do this real-time instead of through code. Again with the idea of turning it into an engine.

Let me know what tutorials you guys would like to see, and I'll put those in priority - The goal is to have a series of courses: "Beginner Course", "Particle Course", "Multiplayer Course", "AI Course", "Collision Course", etc


Ferret 14 years ago

Sounds cool, but how are you going to have people make tutorials for it? (Haven't tried yet)

JuurianChi 14 years ago


*Same questions as Ferret's.*

Carlos508 14 years ago

In the next release I'll upload the help file, but it's very simple. Each course is simply a folder, and in each folder you have two files for each lesson…an RTF file made with wordpad and a TXT file made with whatever. Each RTF file makes up a "page" or "lesson" in the course.

The RTF file just contains text and images, and is no different than if you wrote any other tutorial. If a TXT file with the same name is in the folder, then it loads that too. The TXT file is just a standard GML script, which is loaded using execute_file, so there is barely any difference at all in how you code it. You can code the TXT in GM and just copy+paste into a txt file, or use Notepad++ to get the GML highlighting. And you can just press the restart button to check how the code looks…you shouldn't ever need to open GM other than to look up commands in the help file. Other than having the .txt at the end of it, it looks exactly like a script file - commenting and all.

If you want to create an object that appears in the "Project Tab" you do createSprite() instead of sprite_add() using the same arguments with an extra argument for the name, and it will automatically create the sprite and add it to the list for ya. In the next release I'll just have the program parse the sprite_add, sound_add, object_add, etc and replace them with the custom script to make it even easier. To add code to an objects event you use scrAddEvent(object name, event type, and the code), and the app will set it up for you.

If you wan to narrate your lesson like I did, you simply load your audio file using scrNarrate(filename) and it handles all the media buttons for you. If you get a chance to download it, you can open up "Courses/About../1 - Introduction.txt" and see the code I used to run the little intro demo animation - which is pretty cool!

Lol that was a loooong reply to just say "it's very easy". If you download it you can look through the files and see how it works. After school I'll go on yoyo and look through the Novice/Beginner Questions forum and make a bunch of small lessons based on their questions. Eventually I'll have a bunch of courses like "Particles 101", "Multiplayer 101" etc. that walk you step by step

JID 14 years ago

I got this as soon as I started it up:


action number 4

of Create Event

for object objSaudio:

Error defining an external function.

Carlos508 14 years ago

Fixed…I guess that dll didn't point to the directory.