CFL Poll(s) [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on April 25, 2008, 10:19 a.m.

Okay, you guys often know me for my preference for public opinions. After all, you are going to be the ones playing the game. I figure you might all want to enjoy at least one aspect of it. So, without further ado, here's a small arrangement of polls.

Poll 1: Speech Preference

Speech was very widely loved in the Creatures franchise, as you could see what your creatures were doing and thinking. I figure it makes the game more fun if you know what your lixies are doing. We have a few options here. You can have a speech bubble with words, voice acting, or both.

Question: What speech arrangement do you think would work best?

A. Yes, speech bubble only

B. Yes, vocal only

C. Yes, Both speech bubble and vocal

D. No, don't implement speech

Option B would be a terror, but I threw it in for more choice. The preferences for vocal are in the english language or their own language. Here's the second poll.

Poll 2: Vocal Preference

A. English (even multilingual) voices

B. Made up "lixie language"

C. Don't use voice acting

All right, another poll. This one is on species finds. The options are whether or not you find them, they're distributed in packages, or they're made by third-party developers.

Poll 3: Species Discovery

A. Find new species egg makers or eggs as you explore

B. Let them be distributed in first-party packages

C. Let them be created and distributed by third-party developers

D. Just make them automatically available to everyone

The last poll is about the difficulty. Naturally, keeping little animals alive with predators around it pretty difficult. Here's your choice.

Poll 4: Difficulty

A. Very difficult. Don't hold back

B. Very easy. I want to enjoy the game without too much stress

C. Make optional powerups or collectibles to make things a bit easier

D. Make a difficulty slider before the player plays the game

That's the last of 'em. While voting, here's the format:

Poll Number

-Selected option

Thanks for your support. I hope everyone can enjoy this game.

On other news, I am about 100 hits short of 12k, and therefore, a new hits badge.

19105 hits as of writing this.

Kilin, signing out.


Kenon 16 years, 6 months ago

A. Yes, speech bubble only


C. Don't use TOTAL voice acting. I think that various animal sounds can work.


A. Find new species egg makers or eggs as you explore

B. Let them be distributed in first-party packages

C. Let them be created and distributed by third-party developers


D. Make a difficulty slider before the player plays the game

stampede 16 years, 6 months ago





basilamer 16 years, 6 months ago

Viva Pinata is the BEST.