Lixie meme

Posted by Castypher on May 25, 2008, 10 a.m.

I really have no idea how you guys turned lixies into a meme. I mean here I am talking about a life simulation, pretty realistic as far as other worlds go, and you guys turn it into a mindless, pointless, SENSELESS chant. Not that I hate lixies being sort of popular…I just hate how you guys can never keep on topic with me.

Then there's that annoying page stretching involved. ._.

So onto better news. Kilin as a novel is going quite well. Can't say there's SIGNIFICANT progress, but it's something. Whenever I go out to see a related movie, I usually start developing ideas to resemble my favorite parts. My inspiration comes from something successful as well as dreams. That being said, you could see some unoriginal or similar content, but I try to do a good job disguising it.

I'm not really letting anyone read up on it so far, because the internet is the last place I'd ever trust someone with a novel. I'm just keeping you updated and trying to find some content to write a blog as I haven't for almost a week.

As far as games go, I've picked up Code Omega again. I'm making the story a little more interesting, as well as including a level or two.

That's all from me.



Castypher 16 years, 5 months ago

I'm not directing that at you, ESA, I'm directing that at everyone who's trying to force me to have a different opinion.

s 16 years, 4 months ago

I'm trying to make you understand why you're wrong in your worries. And there is really no other way to put it, because you're making as much sense as the people who don't go outside because they're afraid of getting sick. You're presenting hypotheticals into this argument, I'm presenting nonhypotheticals

You may not want people to take your ideas unprocessed. All right, so you find some value in having your content be yours only. Who are you writing for though? Even if someone rips off your characters and stuff, what are the chances they are then going to be able to get published? People who can get published can think of their own ideas

Therefore this is not a matter of opinion, but a matter of logic. And when it comes to logic, there is only one output

The people of Novelas are good writers. As a writer, you'll benefit from being a part of the community, even if you only post smaller works

Castypher 16 years, 4 months ago

First of all, I'd take a small critique group over an internet. I don't trust the internet at all. Half of the members at 64Digits aren't even trustworthy. You don't know if I'm really a 17-year-old boy who goes by "Jaed Norberg," because on the internet, anything can happen.

That's one reason why I don't care to entrust an ONLINE community with most of my work. I mean look at 64Digits, we make games and put them up so we have an audience because our cruddy game will never get published or sold. We've had not one, but SEVERAL incidents where 64Digits users' games have been deliberately stolen.

That last point in mind, who's to say it's someone in the little Novelas community who will steal your work? Any writing community, no matter how trustworthy, will have guests to steal the work.

s 16 years, 4 months ago

I think you've crossed an ambiguity in my last point. I was saying nothing on the honesty of the writers, but of how collaboration will allow you to grow as a writer

Let's be unlinear and now go to that first point you made. I don't care if you're aged 17, male, and named Jaed Norberg. I care about the conversations we have and the ideas we therefore generate. Those are real

As for the second point, I actually shared some emails with one of the people who "stole" our games. He was giving them a wider scope, he had no malicious intents. He simply wished to host a directory of freeware games. Also, those are games. Have any examples of books?

Castypher 16 years, 4 months ago

Well you can't be too sure of books, because once they're published, everything is considered their own. These games aren't published. Therefore, they're open game to anyone who likes the idea

Also, as for the "real" conversations, you can't prove that. There are plenty of people who pose as younger, female, or something else in order to fool people. That includes conversation. You can't be sure how much is real.

s 16 years, 4 months ago

Then keep your novel private, but surely you've written short stories before, correct? (Though I'll add that publishing on Wikia grants you an implicit GFDL holding, and logs would be able to prove that you were the original creator)

As for real conversations, you mean I can't be sure that someone out there in the world typed a message to me which I read? That the ideas we fabricated together and thought were somehow never fabricated or thought?

Castypher 16 years, 4 months ago

Then keep your novel private

s 16 years, 4 months ago

k, are you saying you've never written anything else?

Castypher 16 years, 4 months ago

I've written plenty, but I'm not into poems or short stories, which is why I'm a novelist.