Lixies Arena Server Features [Kilin]

Posted by Castypher on Aug. 12, 2008, 12:37 a.m.

I will post screenshots if I get enough replies showing interest.

So yeah, a good while since my last blog. Here's the news on my latest game, Lixies Arena, an online multiplayer platform battle game where you all take on your favorite lixies species (and definitely more).


So, this is my big focus at the moment. I have been working on the server's specification system (stage select, time limit, match type, score limit, etc.). Any NON STAFF are limited to only four basic options.

They can:

-Select the stage

-Set time and/or score limits

-Choose a boss battle co-op match type

-Control basic miscellaneous server responsibilities

Staff members can:

-Perform any functions a host can

-Spawn items randomly

-Enable cheats

-Disrupt gameplay with more interesting things

-Play as a Shaltix the Falcon in boss battle mode

-OVERRIDE the host on any options and take total control

Basically, if you notice a staff member (me, Prometheist, and a few more will be appointed), you're going to have a fun and very interesting time. If you're hosting, sorry. You still get to keep most of your host features, but staff can run through the host from the client if needed. This includes a variety of scripts.

Note: You cannot cheat the staff system by inputting a specific name. The only way this can be activated is to use a specific password.

So, everyone got it? Let's move on.

Boss Battle Mode

It would be unfair to mention boss battles and not have any information on it. So, here's this little section to cover one basic idea.

Boss battles are co-op, and usually very difficult. Not only will you need more than one or two players, you also need to work together and develop strategies. For example, one person stands back and uses ranged attacks, one more gets rid of obstacles and minions, and another is up for close-combat with the boss.

This will be one of the more exciting game features, and the difficulty can be changed. If you can beat it on the hardest setting, you're worth something.

Player max is 8, so I'm sure more than one person can do one job.

Current Issues

The only real thing I'm looking at right now is item lag. This should be easy to fix, but isn't my prime focus.

Current Playable Features

-Full movement engine complete

-One weapon added

-Damage system finished

-Boss Battle 1 almost finished

-Serverside stage controlling only available upon joining, instead of through a waiting room

Features until Playable

-Fix any current bugs, mainly sending and receiving bugs

-Finish server control system

-Add at least one more weapon

-Finish some staff features

-Create a waiting room between battles

-Finish scoring system


So as you can see, I'll be quite busy over the next few days, but I definitely should have something playable in a week. I'll get a testing team and then release a public beta later.

Want screenshots? Let's see how much interest I get FROM DIFFERENT PEOPLE. Sorry I'm being lazy, but I don't feel like uploading photos for nothing.

Thanks guys.



Cesar 16 years, 2 months ago

You should get this reflected once it's finished

mrmediocrity 16 years, 2 months ago

Screenshots ta.

Bryan 16 years, 2 months ago

Just give us screenshots already!

Juju 16 years, 2 months ago


SixWinged 16 years, 2 months ago

I'm a different person.

Siert 16 years, 2 months ago

screenshot please!

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 2 months ago

I refuse to read this blog, as it does not contain images.

s 16 years, 2 months ago

I've given you a method of lowering every message you send by another byte. If you want to stop lag, you're going to have to use UDP. At least you stopped sending the image_index and stuff

Boss battles should increase in difficulty with serversize

Also, screenshots are always appreciated. I don't know why you'd think otherwise

And that staff password better not be clientside. It should be highly integrated with serverside functionality

Castypher 16 years, 2 months ago

@Spoon: I'll either be using Reflect or serprex's Staticfire site as a host. Serprex has already given me the scripts, and now he just needs to tell me how to use them.

@serprex: I'm working with UDP a bit, but I'm just not getting it so well. As for the password, it is serverside, but the staff can basically override the server. This is useful for me because I can't host. Basically, it lets me use any staff features without actually hosting, so it won't be a speed problem.

PY 16 years, 2 months ago
