Hey guys, no more exams!
Anyway, I just wanted to put it out there that these exams are especially important for me because my score determines whether I get a scholarship next year and ultimately how much/how little debt I go into from next year on. So in that regard, …exams are sad :<
I have year 12 vce exams in five weeks time. D:
I have been studying non-stop for the last 3 weeks.I also thought it would be a good idea to return to 64d. You probably noticed I was here for.. a day? and then returned to inactivity. I come …sup guys?
So it looks as if 64Digits has yet again escaped the clutches of death. Seems like a lot has changed around here and I gather it's all thanks to KaBob. So I guess all I can say is thanks. I never thought 64D would last this long… well I guess …
Eagly is my hero <3
I was banned today, in a Jesus like fashion I have risen from the dead… OK, perhaps I'm not quite as amazing as Jesus, but the point still stands.
So for some reason I was banned, apparently that reason was "Harassment", although I got no prior warnings, in fact I …Internal Server Error
"The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@64digits.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.More information about this error may be available …Blog Tiem.
Hey guys, SixWinged here.
Holidays are drawing to a close, which means I'll have no free time again, so I figure I'll take this opportunity to write a blog while I still can. I'll try make it to 64D but I'll probably be much more inactive over the couple of …Sup Guys?
Wooo 64d is back up!
So I s'pose everyone is expecting that I've done something interesting over the down time? Unfortunatly not so, school has got the better of me and I haven't had time for anything really. What have you all been upto? I really missed this place, I …Anyone know how I can contact FsX?
Hey guys,
I realize I've been extremely critical of FsX and it sounds as if I don't appreciate the work he's doing. I'd just like to take a chance to say that I understand that he's doing his best and he has a lot of other commitments, I just think …Since everyone can delete comments
@Killin: While I did imply that FsX should perhaps consider his role here I didn't ask him to leave. I'm simply saying that it may be in both this community, and his best intrests if he resigned. Being an admin or a mod or whatever he is, it's more than …
Merry Christmas from Australia
Ok, so chances are it's not Christmas yet where you live but anyway, it's 12:00AM here on the 25th of December. Yay Christmas.
So I could probably sneak upstairs right now and take a peek at my presents. Well I could, except this blog is kinda pre-written so really I …