First of all, welcome back, 64Digits.
Heard of RPG Maker? Of course you have. High quality engine designed for newbies, right? Is it just meant for idiots who don't know how to code in C++? Is it for making easy games?Not at all.Enterbrain's RPG Maker is a pretty interesting little engine. I recently picked up the latest copy, VX, and messed around with it a bit, and finally decided to work on one of my old games that Game Maker would have shunned.If you picked up the engine, you may see they went back to old times with the "no-view" battler engine. I got a hold of some scripts to make it not so boring. That's the glory of this new engine, is that virtually everything is customizable. Game Maker is still my engine of choice but this seems a little more friendly. So I made a bit of a game so far.*searches for screenshot*Couldn't find one, I made a video some time ago, but it works. The game is based off of the Lufia series, and the music comes from almost everywhere…including those blasted built-in MIDIs I'm trying to get rid of.'s a second part to the video as well., it's a simple cliche RPG, I'm sure. I'm new to the recent engine and…yeah.By the way, if I get bashed for this, I don't give a damn, because those people are obviously idiots that aren't worth being recognized. There's a difference between criticism and bashing, and bashing is for children.
bad engine equals shitty programer.
You need to use optimized code man do it from scratch or get code you know is the best.also LOL RPGMAKER XDHey, I think it's perfectly okay that you use RPGMaker. I use AGS sometimes (but at least you code in that =P).
We're all amateurs here, and we want to make games. If using some or other program can make that easier or faster without compromising the game in question's original vision, I say go for it.@dabridge: Scripts are the answer. If you learn their language, you have godly powers. Customization is not an issue for me.
@Santa Potato with Glasses: I've seen that thing. But modding isn't as fun as programming.@F1ak3r: The idea of trying different engines is to become a better programmer. But you're right. I'm trying new things so I get a better understanding for it.Testing the delete function after 64Digits' recovery.
Works.Thanks for being my test subject, JW.@Josea: If by miniscule you mean 0.1%, I'd say you're right. Everyone else is here for the laughs.