E3 Day 1

Posted by Castypher on June 14, 2010, 10:29 p.m.

Nobody's posted a blog of this yet? I thought people might spam it. Oh well. I need some reason to blog anyway. Haven't had anything decent to say.

Watched a few videos of E3. Today's conferences were Microsoft, EA, and UbiSoft. Tomorrow we have Nintendo and Sony. Whee.

So let's see. Microsoft of course, talked about their XBox360 motion sensor, called Kinect, or something like that. They spent quite a while going over the games for it, but briefly mentioned Halo Reach and Fable 3. Anything past that I didn't really pay attention to.

EA has some sports channel deal going on that cooperates with the Kinect. They're also putting Sims 3 on console, and announced a load of FPSs. Other than that, I zoned out.

UbiSoft announced Assassin's Creed and Ghost Recon, and anything beyond that was pretty forgettable.

So what's the theme here? Kinect, of course. And FPSs. It's almost overdone and the new thing is starting to get old.

Nintendo's not going to beat Kinect tomorrow, I'll promise. They've got, what, Zelda (maybe), 3DS, and a PULSE MONITOR. Yes, an excellent addition to the dust pile. And Kinect is becoming what the Wii is now, a minigame magnet, filled with weird exercise games.

Don't get me wrong, fitness is important. But honestly if I wanted to get fit, I'd run around, lift real weights,go to the gym, or whatever. Not play a video game to pat me on the back.

And honestly I don't care much about Sony but I'll watch it anyway.

But…where oh where are you, Valve? =(

Oh, and Neverland too.

Please feel free to argue with me and my lack of attention.

Also, I did release a game on 64D, only the first world but it's a WIP I promised. And it's been #4 in queue for a week now. Yay.


KaBob799 14 years, 4 months ago

Kinect is so stupid. Natal at least sounded cool.

3DS has already beaten Kinect and we don't even know the details yet. It's the next gen Nintendo handheld, how could it possibly lose to a camera. Nintendo also has Pikmin, Pokemon, Super Scribblenauts, Goldeneye, etc.

Ferret 14 years, 4 months ago

Kinect is so stupid. Natal at least sounded cool.
That, seriously, microsoft is terrible at E3.

EA was, alright in my opinion, I'm interested in Medal of Honor and some bullet storm, I just wish they didn't have such a big sports branch.

I didn't watch Ubisoft because I knew they didn't have anything.

And honestly I don't care much about Sony but I'll watch it anyway.
Wowowooah, hang on buddy, Sony is known for their E3 shows, and they have just been spewing huge titles before E3 has even started, Killzone 3, LBP2, Infamous 2, Motorstorm 3, and more, plus we are looking for games like The last Guardian, and Gran turismo, and there is speculation of a large exclusive drop and the chances of a psp2 drop are huge.

plus I am hoping to see kevin butler :D

Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

Oh yeah, Pokemon Black/White. Forgot that. And the Pikmin rumors are true, eh?

But still, you gotta admit. Kinect does everything the Wii does and more. Nintendo's going to have to do something big to combat that.

KaBob799 14 years, 4 months ago

Kinect is only an add-on, it would only be a danger to the Wii if this was the beginning of the generation. Now it just means that theres probably gonna be more multiplatform games that don't avoid the Wii out of control laziness.

Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

This quote will still amuse me.

"And the game is coming for ALL the platforms: 360, PS3, and PC!"

Nobody takes Wii seriously, heh. Problem is, it's got most of the games I want. Not those bloody shooters.

Except Fable 3. I want that one.

Anyway, GameSpot's "On the Spot" coverage sucks. They're paying more attention to beer, gambling, and pole dancers than they are games.

KaBob799 14 years, 4 months ago

Lol I just checked and rumor is that Kinect will cost $150. Pretty much the same price as Wii now that they bundle a $50 game with it.

Ferret 14 years, 4 months ago

lol retarded

Cpsgames 14 years, 4 months ago

I can't wait for Fallout: New Vegas, LBP2, Sims 3 (console), CoD: Black Ops!

Well, I don't care about Sims 3 that much, but i'd still buy it.

Misconstruct 14 years, 4 months ago

Don't forget the new slim 360, which I just preordered on Amazon.

Arcalyth 14 years, 4 months ago

I'm also moderately surprised that there hasn't been a flood of E3 blogs… but yeah, Nintendo HAD a legacy, Gamecube (and to an extent, Wii) ruined it. Wii appeals to the casual gamer, and that's good, Nintendo fills a niche that Sony and Microsoft are both trying to capitalize on now with their motion sensitivity.

It's good that they're moving away from "NEXT GEN CONSOLE = MOAR HARDWARE!!!" though. Although if Nintendo wants to be competitive in the "hardcore" gaming market again, they need to beef up their system and provide more original, stunning games like they did in the past. They just aren't pioneers anymore.

PS3 is definitely on par with 360 now.