E3 Day 1

Posted by Castypher on June 14, 2010, 10:29 p.m.

Nobody's posted a blog of this yet? I thought people might spam it. Oh well. I need some reason to blog anyway. Haven't had anything decent to say.

Watched a few videos of E3. Today's conferences were Microsoft, EA, and UbiSoft. Tomorrow we have Nintendo and Sony. Whee.

So let's see. Microsoft of course, talked about their XBox360 motion sensor, called Kinect, or something like that. They spent quite a while going over the games for it, but briefly mentioned Halo Reach and Fable 3. Anything past that I didn't really pay attention to.

EA has some sports channel deal going on that cooperates with the Kinect. They're also putting Sims 3 on console, and announced a load of FPSs. Other than that, I zoned out.

UbiSoft announced Assassin's Creed and Ghost Recon, and anything beyond that was pretty forgettable.

So what's the theme here? Kinect, of course. And FPSs. It's almost overdone and the new thing is starting to get old.

Nintendo's not going to beat Kinect tomorrow, I'll promise. They've got, what, Zelda (maybe), 3DS, and a PULSE MONITOR. Yes, an excellent addition to the dust pile. And Kinect is becoming what the Wii is now, a minigame magnet, filled with weird exercise games.

Don't get me wrong, fitness is important. But honestly if I wanted to get fit, I'd run around, lift real weights,go to the gym, or whatever. Not play a video game to pat me on the back.

And honestly I don't care much about Sony but I'll watch it anyway.

But…where oh where are you, Valve? =(

Oh, and Neverland too.

Please feel free to argue with me and my lack of attention.

Also, I did release a game on 64D, only the first world but it's a WIP I promised. And it's been #4 in queue for a week now. Yay.


OBELISK 14 years, 4 months ago


Cesque 14 years, 4 months ago

To summarise my irc rants about Kinect:

1. Its existence proves that MS is treating the gamer demographic as idiots who go "aaawesooome" at ideas that replaced the virtual reality craze of the 90's.

2. It will let you win multiplayer games by pushing other players off the couch.

3. It makes me wonder what happens in fighting games where the enemy kicks you in the face.

4. Playing games this way will make you tired. Very tired.

5. The activity will have as much to do with fitness as masturbation does. Difference being, you can masturbate while sitting down.

6. It will make playing games appear even less dignifying than now.

7. Those avatars twitching when you move are creepy.

8. It's discrimating against people with OCD and Tourette's. :[

Juju 14 years, 4 months ago

ArsTechnica, instead of hitting the nail, gave it a deflecting blow - "all this new technology is coming out and there doesn't seem to be a single blockbuster game that turns us into drooling need-machines."

The industry is more keen on reboxing old franchises and using cheap, old methods than trying to use technology to innovate. Everyone is guilty, third-party developers, Microsoft and Sony, even your beloved Nintendo (Pikmin, Pokemon, Goldeneye, Mario). The problem is systemic and the problem is the same in music and film.

Grand-High Gamer 14 years, 4 months ago

I'm sorry Cesque, I couldn't read that last sentence without thinking "Xbox, COCKINGSHITBALLS". I'm a terrible person :(

Juju 14 years, 4 months ago

To be fair to Microsoft, the majority of growth in gaming is in the "we're too cool to be gamers but we like playing games" demographic. They need something to show off to their jock buddies whilst they pound brews and talk about women, desperately trying to bury their surging homosexuality.

Toast 14 years, 4 months ago

Basically all the consoles are trying to extend their respective lives with countless, pointless add ons and "slim" versions (The term "slim" sends a shiver down my spine tbh).

Oh, and before you get excited about the 3DS, believe me, knowing Nintendo the tech behind it will be 5 years old, (ie a camera senses your position and changes perspective accordingly, like a "window" (see Johnny Lee)).

So please everyone, stop buying in to all the shit and start saving for a Xbox 720 now, that way you won't complain pathetically about how you just bought a bunch a turd for the last gen and can't afford it. Game companies hate having to make new consoles, thats why console wars are so funny.

Cesque 14 years, 4 months ago

I'm a terrible person :(

You are :(

They need something to show off to their jock buddies whilst they pound brews and talk about women, desperately trying to bury their surging homosexuality.

But jocks would be the last group I'd imagine using kinket… konekt… motion-based gaming. The first group, of course, would be kids who enjoy being beaten up by jocks at school.

Although, I've got to admit, getting drunk may actually lead some to play some kinect games - and then be ashamed once they sober up.

Josea 14 years, 4 months ago

You forgot the new slim 360, which imo looks fugly.

Castypher 14 years, 4 months ago

Slim360. INCLUDES WiFi.


Misconstruct 14 years, 4 months ago

I think it looks very sexy. Actually, it reminds me of the original Xbox. Just… more stylish and not as bulky.

Design fail of the original Xbox 360: Boxes aren't meant to be curvy. :p