League of Legends?

Posted by Castypher on July 28, 2010, 6:08 p.m.

Apparently anytime I write a devblog, it fails. Oh well.

I've been seeing talk of this game around 64D. Since I don't have a decent online game to play, I thought I'd download it. Pretty cool as far as I see. I love RTS games. But there's one problem.

After doing the tutorial, it told me to try a practice game with only bots. So I tried a practice game with bots. Says I need two or more players. What's the point of saying that at the end of the tutorial if I can't do it?

I really don't prefer to go online and look like an idiot and/or burden someone because I don't know how to play the game. Any news on this? Bug? Typo? Wut?

Or, one of you can get with me and then I don't have to worry about it. There are plenty of 64D players out there I heard. <_<


Mordi 14 years, 2 months ago

"I'm the faggot going 30:1 with Eve and trolling everyone."

That is massively faggoty. -1!

Castypher 14 years, 2 months ago

So quick question. What exactly is jungling? I went and looked it up and it says something about beating up the actual monsters (not summoned) that hide in little nooks around the map. So is that right? Because for the most part, I've tried to leave them alone.

But yeah, figure I've got to get good with two or three heroes in case people take them. What I'm wondering though, is why Karthus is so hard (besides being slow). I mean I played him but I couldn't really see it. Some guy who I played with earlier was racking up kills with the guy.


So I went to the store to find some characters, and found most of the ones that are already free-to-play up there (Blitzcrank costs a ton). Does everyone get a random set of characters to begin with or is it the same for everyone?

(My set: Blitzcrank, Corki, Fiddlesticks, Karthus, Kassadin, Nidalee, Rammus, Soraka, Tristana, Zilean)

I really don't see why they'd put free-to-play champions up otherwise (and for so goddamned expensive too). Can anyone clear this up (and my other questions, maybe) for me?

Mordi 14 years, 2 months ago

Kilin: Jungling is when you get experience and gold by killing forest-monsters instead of creeps/champions. After a while you can then gank other players by suddenly coming out of the bushes.

Jungling is my favorite playstyle (I play as Warwick).

Castypher 14 years, 2 months ago

Regarding my previous comment, I think I found it out. Someone said the roster changes per day. So excuse my newbish comments.

Top score.

GearGOD 14 years, 2 months ago

It changes, but not once per day.I think its once every 1-2 weeks. Not sure because I own virtually every character.

Jungling is when you get experience and gold by killing forest-monsters instead of creeps/champions.
Kill champions all you want, the more the better. The point of jungling is to give your team an experience advantage. A competent jungler will level just as fast as the side lanes, but it will also allow one of the side lanes to have a 2nd solo, so you get a net XP edge. The other very important point of jungling is to have control over dragon and further increase your team's XP edge. This isn't the case in higher end games though, because both teams will compete for dragon aggressively and you can be sure its warded.

Then again, playing any jungler in higher end games is a lot more difficult. If I see an enemy warwick on the loading screen, I buy a ward instead of 3 health pots, teleport onto mid tower, run to golem, and ward it before the enemy team even gets there. The stupid warwicks/shacos will start there and become easy first blood. The more cautious ones will start on the other side and go for golem eventually, but the ward is still active so we always get them. The smart ones jungle our side and hope we don't catch them.

Castypher 14 years, 2 months ago

So I just gave Annie and Mordekaiser a shot. They're both fun characters but I suck with both of them, since Mordekaiser is melee and Annie is squishy as hell. Hopefully once I find a champion I can actually play, I'll do a lot better.

Also, I'm *eh* with Zilean, but I tend to get yelled at for not speeding people up when they're out of range.

Oh, and tried Nasus. Very fun but too much melee. I also hate that he has a ramp-up time based on his Siphon-move-thing. His ultimate is great though. Much better than Zilean's.

Theonlywonderboy 14 years, 2 months ago

What's your name? Maybe we could get a 64Digit team going lol.

Castypher 14 years, 2 months ago

Terminys. Now we also know Ferret's and Kenon's. And I saw them earlier today.

Also, free champions for today.

Ferret 14 years, 2 months ago

They always have free champions, it changes from time to time. Anyone can add me btw :D

Castypher 14 years, 2 months ago

I mean every champion is free. All of them. Every single one. Yeah. Something about the shop being down. And most of my IP mysteriously disappeared. Damn.

Anyway, I gave Warwick a shot today. Apparently I suck at jungling, because by the time I hit level 10, everyone else was 16. I don't die a whole lot or anything, but it takes way too long to level.

Though I guess the advantage is having solo lanes, so everyone can level up faster than you.