Tell Me/Us What's Broken

Posted by Castypher on Aug. 14, 2010, 5:08 p.m.

I've cleaned up the Affiliates page quite a bit, but you probably didn't notice because nobody ever goes there. It's a forgotten area of the site that nobody's used for a long time.

But since it's a part of the site, and it's broken, it needs to be fixed, else it makes the site look bad.

I cleared out a ton of broken links, mostly (those with FTP access can find them in a text file if they want one restored). What still needs to be done though, and I'm waiting for confirmation on this:

- Many preview images are broken. If they are not replaced, I'll take them down.

- Many sites are old and haven't been touched for years. If I'm not told otherwise, they'll be taken down.

- Some sites have moved. Though the links aren't broken, the developer (bless his soul) has provided a redirect link. If I'm not told otherwise, the affiliate links will be changed to match the redirect.

I'll finish working on that later. I'm in no rush seeing as someone like DesertFox barely remembered that page existed. But since FSX brought it up the other day as well, I figured I'd go and fix it up a bit.

Dabridge, Kaz, and Aeron are doing much more work than me though, those bastards. >=[

I'm not really all that aware of everything that's broken, so if you have some time to write up a list of things YOU notice are broken, please do.

This blog (among others) can be referenced by anyone who's doing sitework at this time.

I work a lot better when I see the problems for myself, and what they are to other people. So like I said, please prepare a list of problems/suggestions (keep them minor for people like me), and we'll get to it as soon as possible.

To Do List:

- "Userpage at Login" checkbox locks you out of 64D

- Forum pages

- Referrals (working or make more available)

- File Manager upload failure

Will be filled out in the process

Also remember that not everyone is working on V2.

Thanks for your time, and let's see how quickly we can get things fixed up.


KaBob799 14 years, 2 months ago

I prefer mixing tables and divs =p

Kaz 14 years, 2 months ago


I believe it is completely necessary to pick one now. The benefits of divs are numerous, and I'll repeat them here.


-Renders in browser faster

-Less markup

-More flexible

-Easily changed


-Slightly more complicated to use


Of course you need to use both in websites. Tables are meant for tabular data, and a lot of web data is tabular. Although if you're using tables for layout and styling, then you're doing it wrong.

blackhole 14 years, 2 months ago

Are you taking into the account that IE and firefox render DIVs in often totally different ways? I remember switching to tables at least for my main page layout because DIVs do not expand to fill space very well at all and the behavior is incredibly inconsistent across browsers. All the benefits of <div> are pretty much useless if you can't get them to render properly on IE6.

Kaz 14 years, 2 months ago

A simple CSS reset allows all browsers (IE6+) to render things exactly the same way.

KaBob799 14 years, 2 months ago

There is no reason to make 64d to work with IE6. IE7+ is more than good enough for important stuff and IE8 compatibility only is good enough for very minor things. Usage of IE6 has dropped dramatically and is now mostly limited to pirated windows xp and people who wont ever join 64d. It's getting close to 10 years old too. I stopped supporting IE6 on my sites over a year ago and once IE9 comes out I will stop supporting IE7 because theres such a huge improvement between 7 and 8.

Plus the best way to convince somebody to update their browser every few years is to have websites stop working correctly.

Castypher 14 years, 2 months ago

Seeing as IE is completely free. Why the hell wouldn't people upgrade? Unless…you're like me and don't use it. Chrome is my browser of choice now. Even Firefox is killing me, except it's the one with all the useful plugins.

KaBob799 14 years, 2 months ago

Some people (usually older) just don't want to have to learn tabs and other new things. Some people are using pirated windows with updates disabled (mostly in non-english countries). Other than that I guess theres probably a couple stupid people who just refuse to update or people using company/school computers that haven't bothered to update. I know my highschool was at least using IE7 by the time I left, but I've heard rumors of other schools still having IE6.

Overall though I think we would have trouble finding a 64d user that uses IE6.

NeutralReiddHotel 14 years, 2 months ago

I'm with KaBob on this one, just forget the people who haven't updated yet. Anyone still running things like IE6 should be used to having a bunch of websites broken anyway. Not that we don't care, we just shouldn't be expected to support outdated browsers if very little people use them.

F1ak3r 14 years, 2 months ago

Hey, please take down "F1ak3d Games", thanks. I don't use that site anymore.

Castypher 14 years, 2 months ago



And I'll take down your page, F1ak3r. Later today I'll take down all the ones without preview images, and all the sites that I feel are too old (newsposts dates are 2006, or something like that).

If your site is on the affiliates page and you still want it there, PM me or post in this blog. Otherwise, it's not that hard to put back up if it's taken down.

If I don't get any replies, I'll just assume nobody really cares.