So I Drew Something. Gimme Advice

Posted by Castypher on Sept. 23, 2010, 10:11 a.m.

It only took me about three days too. <_<

For a while, I've wanted things like voice acting and character portraits in my games. Who doesn't? I scrapped voice acting because you need some pretty expensive equipment (which I have but disregard that), and some half-decent voice actors. I don't know any half-decent voice actors.

So I decided to try my hand at character portraits to make dialog a lot less bland.

Now, this is my first time doing anything like this, so while I appreciate constructive criticism, here is a disclaimer.


I do not consider myself a graphics artist. I understand I suck at sketching and pixel art. I understand that I don't have color coordination.

In the next sketch, I understand the hands are messed up. I understand I haven't prioritized body proportions. I understand that I use black outlines for everything (though it looks a lot better than I thought it would).

…So don't repeat to me what I already know. Things like coloring tactics would be helpful, or use of tools or what. Just people who are experienced in this pitch in a bit before I make my next sketch.


Remember my game, Terminys? No? Who were the ones complaining that a poison flower was too hard? Now do you remember? I thought so.

Terminys is a modern, story-driven action-RPG. And as of now I'm putting a lot of emphasis on characters. This character you'll see here is named River, and is a sylph, a humanoid creature who is more capable of Ether than humans are. She appears in the prologue, which many of you played, and stays as a party member throughout the game.

So let me open with the sketch. I did it by hand on a normal sheet of paper with a normal mechanical pencil and a normal eraser. Needless to say, the quality isn't the highest.

I know. It's huge. This thing only took up about a sixth of the page too. But I went over it and darkened every bit, and when I scanned it, it came out way lighter than I'd hoped, so light that Illustrator could hardly trace it.

I knew I had to ink it, so I grabbed InkScape to trace the outlines, and colored it in GIMP. And here's the result.

It turned out a whole lot better than I thought it would. Originally I was going to add a lot of detail, like in the hair, but I decided to be consistent with the game, and leave everything pretty much two-toned.

And yes, the image is anti-aliased. Many, many times. You can see how blurry it is.

The thing is, when GIMP imports paths from InkScape, it screwed them up, so I had to do a lot of tracing by hand, which is how River's hands ended up so badly.

Disregard that, look at the rest.

Now, constructive criticism and suggestions would be great. Because I do plan on doing more of these soon.

EDIT: It looks a lot better smaller, trust me. But when I import it to GM (320x240 window), the pixel quality makes it look awful. I haven't tried scaling it down outside the sprite window yet.

Other than that, it actually looks okay in game, but the features are slightly distorted.



Rez 14 years, 1 month ago

work on hands and feet

Scott_AW 14 years, 1 month ago

Try drawing smaller

Castypher 14 years, 1 month ago


Quote: hel
the good thing about massive drawings is that they look better the more you scale them down.
If I'd have drawn smaller, the image as a whole would've been a lot worse, and not just the details. When you size it down enough (and my game sizes it down a lot), the hands are nothing.

The size I was actually viewing this at was about half what it is now. You can't see the pixels nearly as well, and it looks a lot better.

Besides, the original sketch was uncomfortably small. How it turned out to be this large I'll never know.

SteveKB 14 years, 1 month ago

Use layers and make the shadow areas darker and get a tablet

EDIT: I want to redraw that and I will and there is nothing you can do to stop me!

Castypher 14 years, 1 month ago

Actually, I did use layers. Nearly every object on there was its own. I had the shoes, book, hands, robe, cloak front, cloak back, face, facial features, eyes, hat, sash, etc.

I'm thinking of getting a tablet, but again, it's money I don't have.

SteveKB 14 years, 1 month ago

well the one I have was a 100 dollars if you can find a way to spare that. You can always practice sketching though I still do that a lot.

Also I thought you didn't use layers because I saw many areas that didn't have the color filled in D: you should be able to draw under you line art with colors.

Castypher 14 years, 1 month ago

You'll have to tell me about where that is in InkScape/GIMP then. I had the outlines in InkScape, imported it all to GIMP, which screwed some of them up, auto-traced them with some GIMPy tool, and went over it once more to fix whatever GIMP screwed up.

Oh, I did that on a transparent background, and it anti-aliased automatically, which gave me a lot of weird-looking edges. I thought I ironed most of them out.

Anyway, after that, I just colored in each layer. I guess one thing I should've done was make the entire outline its own layer, and color underneath it, rather than having each layer be its own outline and fill.

That could've saved a lot of work.

SteveKB 14 years, 1 month ago

redrew the hands (They look awesome I am so happy my hands look better these days) and will keep the dude the same height

and yeah idk what you are talking about it seems really complicated

all I do is draw the line art then color underneath it on another layer and then mask those color layers and draw the shaded parts on the masks.

edit: drew line art doesn't look as good as if I'd colored it in which I may or may not do depending on whether or not I feel like doing later

also this took 45 minutes so excuse the roughness and forgotten things

Scott_AW 14 years ago

If you draw it smaller, there will be less imperfections in curves and lines. That and don't bother detailing hands if its going to be small.

Castypher 14 years ago

Goddamn meow, those hands are waaaaay better than mine. I think I'm going to steal them.

On second thought, I'm wondering how you got the image to be so smooth. =(