A Little Bit of Everything (But Some Focus on Lixies)

Posted by Castypher on March 14, 2011, 1:41 p.m.

I haven't had a lot of time to blog lately, but it's spring break now. It feels weird not being busy with school or work, so I'm going to take a little time to work on some of my games, as well as unwind with playing a few. Here's what I've been doing.


It's an okay movie. Nothing new. The story has been told several times.

League of Legends

I've been playing League of Legends a bit lately. Since they came out with the Co-op Versus AI mode, I've been playing that, having a good laugh at the new bots. You get your win of the day, a little IP, and a shorter match. I've actually lost a game. We had a leaver and a feeder, but it was depressing all the same.

I've started liking PvP less because of how quickly the matches became one-sided, and I'm not a fan of having kids rage at each other. The downside? I get fewer wins, which makes me look less awesome.

Among the best summoner names I've seen so far:

- Miss 4Chan


Other than that, I s till have to play with some of you guys. Only played with Ferret so far, and just a few times. We'd need to get a 64Team together and do some ranked games as well. I'm not ranked because:

1) I don't take the game seriously enough to solo queue

2) I don't know anyone I'd want to play with


For those of you who didn't know (that means anyone who's not Ronnica or Zane), I am a writer, and just finished the first revised draft of book 1 of 4. I had to rework the entire story over six months, with three years of work previously. It was a lot of work but I got a chance to work with the plot and get some good characters in. Want to read it? Heh heh. Maybe not.


Creatures is a life simulation game, hot in the late '90s and early 2000s. But by life simulation, I don't mean Sims or Tamagotchi. No, this is complex stuff, on the verge of AI (though they like to call it adaptive learning). The difference is that, while both of them learn and steadily get smarter, adaptive learning is a paced, easier, slightly more realistic approach. Still, the creatures do learn from mistakes, though they can often make stupid mistakes in the first place.

I've been playing Creatures 3 for the past week. It gives that sense of nostalgia, though I was having a hard time keeping them alive. They have a biochemistry similar to humans, and suffer from diseases just as we do. My problem is that the game wasn't meant to run on a modern computer. Surprisingly, it runs faster than it was designed to. This means you have a lot less reaction time when your creatures get sick or go somewhere they shouldn't.

But anyway, if anyone feels like playing a complex, in-depth life simulation, feel free to torrent it. Its creator is dying, and the fanbase is slowly dwindling as well. But even ten years later, it's still one of the best, most complex life simulations you could ask for.


I haven't been playing much of it.

Rune Factory

Fuck yeah.


I recently found an old blog by a wannabe reviewer. In it, he gave his "kudos" to me for working on the 64Brawl project. I want you to know I haven't given it up yet. I'm just waiting a little longer for when both Cyrus and I are available to put a few hours into it.

Prism Soul

Still working on it as well, though graphics once again are keeping me from making a lot of progress. It's also the story, and I'm not feeling awesomely creative lately.


"Lixim" (Lixies Simulator) was presented to me by Serprex a few years ago, and I just now decided to use it as my working title, instead of CFL (Canadian Football League).

Now, the reason I mentioned Creatures before was because this is the base of Lixim. Some of you may remember the lixies (hairy balls), designed by me when I was about 12 years old. Interestingly enough, I started Lixim back when I was 14 years old, and it ended up getting so complicated and so inefficient that I decided to restart a few years back.

The new version doesn't have nearly as many features so far (the old version had unlockable species, enemies, breeding, and very simple AI). This version, I've actually gone in depth with the body systems. As of now, they are capable of breathing, creating energy from food, ageing, and some light navigational skills. Also in the game are light physics. You can pick up objects and throw them as well. It's actually pretty fun to break glasses (though the system broke a little when I ported from GM7 to GM8).

I'm also putting a little more thought into the world. I've got some plants and animals that grow and rely on the ever-changing ecosystem. Weather and time of day affect what animals are out and what plants bloom, etc. So while I don't have anything amazing to show, here's a screenshot anyway.

It was resized just a bit, so the quality is low. But the one thing I wanted to point out here is probably the only issue I've run into so far.

The graphics SUCK.

It's funny. I'm making an ambitious game with biological AI, and the one problem I've having is graphics? I'm no pixel artist, and though I've improved a lot since I've sprited at all for this game, I can't possibly live up to the graphical quality of Creatures.

If any of you are interested in putting together some tiles or sprites, I'd love to have you.


That's pretty much all I have for now. It's a long blog, but it's also a devblog, something I haven't done in a while.


Quietus 14 years ago

the touhou section was my favorite. *lols*

i don't think your graphics suck, they're just in beta. ;) ambitious biological games are cool, i've been playing Sims lately and it's got me wanting to make something living :P

DesertFox 14 years ago

Woo lixies!

Also, the acronym for League of Legends is 'LOL', which is in and of itself lulzy.

Also, creatures runs supah-fast on your computer because a lot of those old games are clock-rate based, and computers are a heckuva lot faster nowadays.

Castypher 14 years ago


I just wanted to say that.

But anyway, the graphics I'm going for are some that aren't tiled. Tiled worlds are pretty boring, and this is a pretty massive world (at 16,448 x 4092 pixels on an 800 x 600 screen).

That's a shit-ton of work to worry about after I get the functionality down.


I just don't think they anticipated for the game to be this hard. I used to be able to leave the computer and let them do whatever (kind of like a term we used to refer to as "wolfling runs"). But now I can't leave the computer for more than five minutes or they'll catch a disease and DIE.

DesertFox 14 years ago

So what's your novel about?

svf 14 years ago

Game looks cool! I look forward to seeing it. :P

Castypher 14 years ago

One funny thing I forgot to mention is that after taking that picture, I tried to have a look around for other places to screenshot, and the lixie actually got homesick. I thought he walked off into nearby lava, so I was waiting for the death alert icon to appear, but I went back to the home and there he was, just chilling.

I'm surprised at how well it works so far.


The story's nothing amazing, but the basic plot revolves around a group of kids who ended up in some different world. It's kind of like a series of books titled "Chronicles of Thomas Covenant," but was "conceived" well before I read those. Basically they're trying to get home, of course, and meet a few people along the way. Then they realized they were taken there for a reason, but not to be the heroes, as seen in some stories. It's really not the plot summary that makes me proud, though. It's practically everything else.

The game Terminys is eventually derived from this plot, and is the fourth book, but is the only one I could see a game being made out of. Basically, that means you'll see a few familiar faces.

Kaz 14 years ago

I play LoL quite frequently, 1-2 games a day. Name=JKaz3

Ferret 14 years ago

Man, I haven't played LoL in forever. I just got sick of losing because of horrid team mates. I need to play with you kilin, I can rely on you D:

Mush 14 years ago

If any of you are interested in putting together some tiles or sprites, I'd love to have you.
I'm interested (if you want me).

LoserHands 14 years ago

Creatures scared me as a kid.