This Isn't a GM Versus C++ Blog

Posted by Castypher on April 17, 2011, 9:12 p.m. 🔒

Well since the new topic in the last GM8.1 blog is GM versus C++ (and now Java), I'd probably get better results by making a blog of my own.

But first, I should say I may have just had my first experience being tipsy. I know that's supposed to be embarrassing, since many of you have probably been drunk off your feet before. But I'd always have a couple drinks for the taste and the experience and the ability to say I'd had some. I don't drink to get drunk, nor do I ever want to be drunk.

Well, I sat down to do some writing, and had a glass of white wine that my mom bought earlier. By the end of the glass, I had some trouble collecting my thoughts, and then I realized why. It's not the first time I've had white wine, or the first time I've had a glass that big. I've had more than twice that amount of wine at once. I just had food in my stomach before, and I was pretty damn hungry just now.

Then I decided writing wasn't such a good idea.

So onto the content. I just got the crack for GM8.1, because room zooming among other things sounded useful. As you may have heard, the crack I got changes the title bar to "GayMaker 8.1." I'm probably going to look for a different crack just because while it was funny the first time, it's just annoying now.

What I want to know is for anyone else who bought/obtained GM8.1, does the game crash on Vista or Windows 7 at all? Whenever I first start up the program, pressing F5 always makes it run fine. But after a little while, it'll tell me "Failed to run the game." Is anyone else getting that? If not, what are your solutions?

If nothing else, I may just stick with GM8. They're not that different, and 8.1 only had a few upgrades (and is hidden in the roaming data folder).

In game development news, I've picked up LODM again and am doing some work with characters. Why, if I were any good with pixel art, I'd have something to show already. But I don't. Except a list of about forty new characters.

But I will have progress blogs soon. Also on Prism Soul, my other focus as of late. Shit, I hate having so many projects.

And just for those people who are going to complain at me, I'll probably buy GM8.1 just to clear my conscience, but I stopped supporting GM just because of some of the recent changes they've made. Let's punish the loyal users by promising free upgrades then failing to come through with it and jacking up both new and upgrade prices with every version!


Alert Games 13 years, 6 months ago

Until this problem with the crashing of the program clears up, im not going to upgrade.

Also some other things that look good are the bug fixes, room zoom, and searching through all objects. Everything else seems like I could do without.

Oh and

Hardware T&L for Faster 2D and 3D rendering.
Id like to see some results from that as well.

Scott_AW 13 years, 6 months ago

24bit Zbuffer too….didn't they have an ambient light setting in 3d already or am I just crazy?

Castypher 13 years, 6 months ago

I may just take my next paycheck and drop some money on this. $25 is a bit much for an upgrade (of GM), but it's better than being forced to pay $40 later. And, I'll have my conscience cleared, and hopefully fix the little crashing issue.

Scott_AW 13 years, 6 months ago

Still think their pay method is getting creepily predatory.

panzercretin 9 years, 9 months ago

Where did all of you find the crack?

Necro'd because I can't find it myself anymore.

panzercretin 9 years, 9 months ago

Linking to cracked software is against site rules fyi.


death 9 years, 9 months ago

I prefer 8.1 over Studio as I haven't had any issues using 8.1 at all, not even on WIn7. That's just my experience though. The thing I like about 8.1 is that I've really grown to understand how it works so my code almost always executes the way I intended. However, that is not the case with Studio, especially across multiple platforms.

I think I tried a crack for 8.1 before but I couldn't get it to work properly so I just bought 8.1 instead. Wasn't much money, think I got it on a sale.

LAR Games 9 years, 9 months ago

I'm kinda upset they made the standard version free. Well, more like upset that I bought it right before they did that..

I shoulda waited just a little longer. :(