Lack of Inspiration? Try Dreaming

Posted by Castypher on Sept. 27, 2011, 3:20 p.m.

Basically last night I had an epic dream. No, it wasn't about 64D. It was about characters of mine in situations realistic to what they might actually experience in the story they're from. And what's more is that I wasn't in a third-person position, I was there interacting with them. I love dreams like that and I wish they happened more often, because today I'm absolutely pumped, ready to add those bits to the characters in Terminys.

Cue whatever about lucid dreaming, too. If only.

In other news, I was "hit" by a car yesterday. More like bumped at 10MPH. Sure that's nothing big, but it made me afraid of elderly drivers. I'm just walking along, minding my own business, crossing a street with an obvious stop sign. This car starts coming up. I think "he has to stop here anyway" so I keep going. But out of the corner of my eye, I noticed he wasn't stopping. I ended up using the hood of his car to get out of the way, and looked back at him to see an expression something like "How did that get there?" and he kept going anyway. I proceeded to mentally flip him off and take a breather while some other douchebag who saw the whole thing just walks past. I mentally flipped him off, too.

The thing that scares me about the encounter though, is that it could've been so much worse. I had a heavy bag on my shoulder, and only because of adrenaline was I able to act as quickly as I did. If not, I might have ended up under the car, or had a leg planted and broken, among other things. Yes, the driver was that fucking blind.

That's all for now. Love to elaborate on either of those, but I figure people would get bored anyway.


Toast 13 years ago

Me and friends were sitting around eating lunch on these benches once. They were next to a car park and some woman was sitting in her car opposite us, smoking. She looked a little crazy, staring at us and making random facial expressions. Anyhow we were walking away when I shit you not she started the car and drove into the bench I was just on. It looked like an accident but idk. My life flashed before my eyes. Or use of my legs, at least. :(

Castypher 13 years ago

Cyrus has the best advice of the year. Next time I see that douchefag in a car, I'll let him hit me.

JuurianChi 13 years ago

Oh just get married already you two.

Glad your okay though Killin, Bros don't Die.

sirxemic 13 years ago

My dreams are the only source of inspiration for this story I will once write.

Castypher 13 years ago

And now that I switched to a female skin, the marriage is much more interesting.

LAR Games 13 years ago

Now that I think about it, I haven't been dreaming lately…

Castypher 13 years ago

I'm not on the server because nobody else is on the server.


Once Steven finds another excuse to pull everyone else back, I'll come, too. Except not when October 7 hits!

Castypher 13 years ago

Also, fuck, I've lost the inspiration I gained a week ago.

Taizen Chisou 13 years ago

I don't dream about bullets, dude :V

I don't have anything planned out for my final boss because I'm starved for thought at this point.

Anything else from my dreams are all bits and fragments that don't really mesh well.

Oh, wait. I had nightmares once about MoF Lunatic after literally 180 retries on it.

I went on to make Trick Formation for the Hydra Fleet.

I'm going to try to remember the dreams I'll have tonight- if I don't forget it 10 minutes after waking up- and turn it into the Lunacy Star's first pattern.

And so help me if I dream about the most inane thing- Sarah Palin comes to mind now- then you can expect something based on it.

Castypher 13 years ago

Ehh, you know that by "inspiration," I'm mostly referring to plots or characters, heheh.

You don't need to dream about bullets, only abstract patterns and fractals. In my opinion, only 20% of bullet hell is about the bullets themselves, and the other 80% is about creating confusion and chaos in the player's mind. Because as you know, most bullets have zero chance of ever hitting the player. And there are several factors that play into that chaotic feel:

- The sheer amount of bullets is intimidating

- How "pretty" the pattern looks is distracting

- Forcing the player to look away from their hitbox is distracting

- You also know music is distracting when you catch yourself dying because you were humming it

But of course, don't abuse these factors if you want to be fair. Just remember that despite what it appears to be, bullet hell is really just one big mind game that tests your reflexes and focus.