Lack of Inspiration? Try Dreaming

Posted by Castypher on Sept. 27, 2011, 3:20 p.m.

Basically last night I had an epic dream. No, it wasn't about 64D. It was about characters of mine in situations realistic to what they might actually experience in the story they're from. And what's more is that I wasn't in a third-person position, I was there interacting with them. I love dreams like that and I wish they happened more often, because today I'm absolutely pumped, ready to add those bits to the characters in Terminys.

Cue whatever about lucid dreaming, too. If only.

In other news, I was "hit" by a car yesterday. More like bumped at 10MPH. Sure that's nothing big, but it made me afraid of elderly drivers. I'm just walking along, minding my own business, crossing a street with an obvious stop sign. This car starts coming up. I think "he has to stop here anyway" so I keep going. But out of the corner of my eye, I noticed he wasn't stopping. I ended up using the hood of his car to get out of the way, and looked back at him to see an expression something like "How did that get there?" and he kept going anyway. I proceeded to mentally flip him off and take a breather while some other douchebag who saw the whole thing just walks past. I mentally flipped him off, too.

The thing that scares me about the encounter though, is that it could've been so much worse. I had a heavy bag on my shoulder, and only because of adrenaline was I able to act as quickly as I did. If not, I might have ended up under the car, or had a leg planted and broken, among other things. Yes, the driver was that fucking blind.

That's all for now. Love to elaborate on either of those, but I figure people would get bored anyway.


colseed 13 years ago

I dream I'm a soldier sometimes.

Not that I get a gun or anything, which can be slightly limiting when trying to fight baddies on motorcyles using only a metal weapons case…

plus running from vehicles with said weapons case is really trippy

Astryl 13 years ago

I dream so many different dreams, it's hard to keep track of them all. One of the ones I had recently is of a massive ruined city, full of weird people who back away from you and disappear when you approach.

LAR Games 13 years ago

I can usually remember my dreams. Very vividly as well, but lately, I can't remember if I even had any.

Cesque 13 years ago

Today I dreamt that whenever Windows crashes and you send an error report, it goes to a random girl, and then at the end of the year, that girl is killed in a ritual sacrifice to banish the errors.

Anyway, I wanted to comment on this blog and say that the idea sounds supiciously like one behind that one story I had once written, but didn't want to necropost. Now I have the chance!

I also wanted to say that I almost got run over by an elderly driver at a zebra crossing once. Being me (and not knowing what is up with a car not stopping in front of a large group of pedestrians), instead of just moving away, I boldly marched in front of his bumper rising my hand to flip the driver off, but stopped halfway through as I noticed he was an old man and simply decided to spend some time staring at his own knees instead of the road. And we should all respect that.

Praying Mantis 13 years ago

I had a dream about the Minecraft server once. A new city was built on a hill, but the hill had just been constructed over the top of swamp. Soon enough the entire city sank into the swamp, and the dream wanted me to know that it was Cyrus' fault.

I'm sorry Cyrus but you've been included in yet another dream.