64DCG - Devlog 1 - Character Details and Briefing

Posted by Castypher on Nov. 15, 2011, 7:35 p.m.

64DCG - 64Digits Community Game

I should come up with at least a working title eventually. But anyway, I'm debating between doing regularly scheduled devlogs and just keeping it secret until I'm closer to release. I'll leave that up to you guys.

So we've already got a little interest here. That means this will get further than just an idea. So let's go over some things.


The genre is a shoot-em-up hybrid. The dual-genre I've chosen is none other than the RPG. My two best genres. Why? Well, because it's a little unique. Let me explain.


Think of the typical shmup view. Behind/above the player, shooting shit that comes from the top of the screen. Combine that with levels (IE Fairy/Faily Wars) and a party system and this is what you get.

The Party System

At the character selection screen, you'll choose your party members, which you can actively switch-between in-game. Each party member has a separate healthbar, special bar, and level. The idea of this is to combine your favorite characters to fulfill roles that one might lack. Plus you get to party with Rez. Won't that be fun?

The Level System

Hitting enemies, "grazing" (coming close to a bullet), and doing well on boss attacks will earn the active character experience (each party member has a separate level, encouraging you to switch often). You can level up to a maximum of 30, and each level will upgrade one of the character's abilities.

- Shot (basic attack) upgraded at levels ending in 2,3,7,8

- Options (supportive attack) upgraded at levels ending in 1,6

- Specials (activated) upgraded at levels ending in 4,9

- Passive upgraded at levels ending in 5

- Ultimate upgraded at levels ending in 0

Each character also has base stats that grow with each level. Included are damage, shot speed, health, health regen, and special regen. Static stats include experience gain rate and movement speed.


Along with the RPG elements to distract you from the intimidating factor of shmups, I'll have several difficulties. Level 1 is the tutorial difficulty. Dying there is hardly possible, even for people unfamiliar with the genre. Level 4-5 is average shmup difficulty on the middle game mode. Level 7 is my own difficulty.


I think I can work out some badges for people, provided I get permission from admins to clutter peoples' badge pages. However, I'll probably also offer a way to remove the badges from your page, just in case.

Hah. Like badges mean a damn thing. I'll work something out. Recommendations welcome.

Character Appearances

For those who took me so very seriously when I joked about your character, I'm sorry. Everyone gets a fair chance at appearance here, but by choosing to be in the game, you automatically accept whatever role I give you. No questions asked. If you want to withdraw because of this (doubt it), let me know.

Everyone who plays a normal role in the game will be both playable and a boss character. Thus, I'm going to rework the criteria. Abnormal characters will either make an appearance, or play a major role. I'm not going to disclose this, either, but the less active 64Digits members have a chance at making appearances.

Revised Character Submission Criteria

Sometime before December, all participants must submit to me via PM or comment (the method is flexible, depending on how much privacy you want) a character sheet, in the following format. If you fill it out halfway, you are giving me permission to do what I want with the character. Now, here is the information I need from each entrant. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required in order to make yourself appear in the game. Unmarked fields are optional but highly recommended if you don't trust my judgment.

Remember. The character may either be one you made up (all characters will be subtitled with the member name), or it may be a representation of your alias. Both have the same requirements.

Name *

Gender * - I'll take your own gender if you don't specify otherwise.

Appearance * - Either an image or a detailed description.

Personality * - If you don't supply one, I'll use the online personality that I determine.

Backstory * - A brief character description. Where did he/she come from? etc

Role - A role you'd like to play (I'll explain further later). You're not guaranteed this role.

Music - A track you'd like to have as your theme. No lyrics, no copyright rules.

Shot Style (Player) - Your basic attack pattern (player). Request examples as needed.

Shot Style (Boss) - Your basic attack pattern (boss). Request examples as needed.

Option Style - Options are objects separated from you that enhance your attacks.

Special Ability - Your activated ability. Be creative but keep it in context.

Passive Skill - Your passive ability. Be creative but keep it in context.

Ultimate Skill - Your most powerful attack style. Be creative but keep it in context.

Also, if you want more customization, take some time to decide the character's stats. You are given a limit to choose within. Be honest and balance them out a bit. Imbalance will force me to balance it myself (you don't want to make me do more work, do you?). Any item marked "x/LV" is your base increase of that stat with each level. This is optional, only if you want a little more power over what your character does.

Health (100-150)

Health/LV (0-10)

Regen (0-10)

Regen/LV (0-5)

Damage (1-5 - decimals allowed)

Damage/LV (0-2 - decimals allowed)

Speed (1-5 - decimals allowed)

Speed/LV (0-2 - decimals allowed)

Special (1-5)

Exp Gain (50-150%)

Move Speed (2-4 - decimals allowed)

Current Roster (Member - Character)

No character data

Character chosen, but info incomplete

Only required info completed

Character info completed

Alert - ag-Bot

Cyrus - JoAnna

Daggerhog - Alexia the Rabbit

Duckman - The Duckman

Ferret - ?

F1ak3r - ?

Juurian - Lyrah

Kamira - ?

Kilin - Karemi

MMORPGguy - ?

Moikle - ?

Panzermancer - Zongra the Fallopian

Purianite - Rhiannon/Amaira

Qwilderwibben - ?

Rez - Phobos Fatboy

Rob - Pink Flying Goat

Rolf - Rolf

SirXemic - Chemical X

Stevenup - Himself

Taizen Chisou - Taizen Chisou

Remember guys, let's make this fun. I don't want any more people getting upset, so I'll stop prodding at you guys. And if you haven't joined but want to, I'll be taking entries until December. Got help to offer? PM me. Other than that, following the instructions saves me plenty of work.

Go get 'em!


Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

I love it.

But… what's keeping people from playing the Pokemon approach and soloing their way to the end?

I've got tons of formulas for you, by the way.

And the name is totally Nishihou Ketanorokujushi ~ 64 Digits.

Castypher 12 years, 11 months ago

But… what's keeping people from playing the Pokemon approach and soloing their way to the end?
The fact that each character will fill a specific role. Plus, when the character dies, you're automatically switched out. You don't want to switch out to a level 1 on the final boss, do you?

Updated with character stats. You have the choice to fill them out if you want, but you don't have to, especially since it can be hard to think of that bit. If not, just bear in mind that it will be part of the gameplay, too.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

Oh, and here's something fun.

You do have a good scoring system in mind?

I superplay my shmups to a destructive extent. They're more fun that way. :V

*returns to compiling character sheet*

Castypher 12 years, 11 months ago

Actually, to appeal to 64Digits, I'm specifically keeping scoring out of the picture. Nobody here is going to play it more than a few times, and I seriously doubt anyone's going for score. Besides, there's already quite a bit of information overload, don't want to do much more of that. However, there are "routes" to take, along with seven difficulty levels. So you'll still have something to do if you don't get bored superfast.

Sorry to disappoint.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

That makes me sadface.

Also, my character bullshit is done.

Lol, phone camera.

I should have just typed it out :V

I can't say I am aware of how balanced it is.

I was shooting for, "of epic power, but dies too easily to be effective."

Castypher 12 years, 11 months ago

That's perfect. The roster has been updated. Steven submitted his character data as well. At least, what was required, then proceeded to bullshit the rest. I should list him as incomplete, but I'll work with it.

That silly Steven.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

Okay, great :V

I didn't want overpowering… and I also wasn't looking for impracticality.

Also bear in mind that while Taizen has a predetermined backstory and whatnot that his character'll still be open for your writing.

I'll stop bumping the thread now ;)

Rob 12 years, 11 months ago


Name: Pink Flying Goat

Health 150

Health/LV 10

Regen 10

Regen/LV 5

Damage 5

Damage/LV 2

Speed 5

Speed/LV 2

Special 5

Exp Gain 150%

Move Speed 4

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 11 months ago

A high movement speed in this sort of game is a bad thing :P

Rob 12 years, 11 months ago

That's just how Pink Flying Goat rolls.