Frosty Four Digits

Posted by Castypher on Dec. 5, 2011, 11:44 a.m.

By Acid




There will be five finalists. Each finalist will receive a prize, but the final round of judging will be what decides who wins.


First Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- $20 cash prize

- Showcase from Qwilderwibben (publicity!)

- Dungeon Defenders OR Terraria (you pick)

Second Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- Terraria

- $15 cash prize

Third Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- Terraria

- $10 cash prize

Fourth Place

- Left 4 Dead 2

- $5 cash prize

Fifth Place

- Reassuring pat on the back

- If any of the finalists own the games mentioned above, or refuse any of the prizes, this finalist has a chance at them (don't get your hopes up!).


- $10 from aeron (first place)

- The Polynomial (Steam game)


Judging will take a little less time than expected. It will begin tomorrow (late tonight in my time depending on how many submissions I get), and the first round will go for two days, giving you some time to play the games (stay on top of this please). Then on Thursday, the second round will begin, where the top five proceed for one last chance at first place.

For the first round, votes MUST be submitted via PM, with your top three favorite games. Try to take several things into account, including gameplay, innovation, and how well the game fits the theme. For the second round, everyone only gets one vote.

The results will be announced on Friday.


Toast 12 years, 9 months ago

I spent the whole time playing Skyrim, and now I need to start studying again.

So looks like I won't be finishing my game any time soon.

But I will be finishing it some time, so that's a positive.

MMOnologueguy 12 years, 9 months ago

I spent the whole time reading news and poisoning myself, and now I need to start procrastinating again.

So looks like I won't be finishing my game anytime soom.

But I will be finishing it some time, so tha - wait, no I won't, it'll be abandoned UNLESS I WORK MY ASS OFF AROUND THE CLOCK STARTING RIGHT NOW


Gift of Death 12 years, 9 months ago

Hey, MMO… I did the same, tho I started about 9 hours ago. :D

But I just started the whole thing instead of continuing. D:

Alert Games 12 years, 9 months ago

Looks like the competition is up guys lol.

Castypher 12 years, 9 months ago

Oh. I forgot to post the extension here. Let me do that.

Zhiko 12 years, 9 months ago

Just in case people didn't forget me since I kinda disappeared with no explanation, I'm gonna have to drop out of the competition. Stuff kept coming up that distracted me from working on it, and there's no possible way I'll have anything even remotely resembling a decent game by the deadline.

To be fair, I did say in my original that I said I'd give it a shot, but wasn't gonna promise anything.

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

Guys, my game is super lame compared to my original plan. Don't drop out! Make a 3 hour game and submit it! There really is no reason to drop out!

Make a new game!

You could make a game where you're a snowball and you just roll around an empty white level and you just grow bigger.

Submit something. :D

Astryl 12 years, 9 months ago

The best policy is to upload what you have, even if it's not finished. I did that with Alterality, and I won (Weirdly enough). I read it on a South African Game Development blog about Ludum Dare competitions.

EDIT: Meaning that I read a really good article about competing in the Ludum Dare comps, and design methods for them.

BP Scraps 12 years, 9 months ago

Hell yeah Acid, all I've got right now is a snow engine, with some black and white crates and crossbeams.

Gonna be the best game ever.

Castypher 12 years, 9 months ago

Dawn of the final day guys. Keep at it for just a bit longer.