Protagonist Gender and Roles?

Posted by Castypher on Feb. 23, 2012, 6:22 p.m.

It's a small topic, but maybe I'll post these blogs now and again. I like input from people who can represent my target audience, so I'll try to make this nice and short. This is something my brother brought up. Basically, his reaction to Lixim's protagonist being made a girl was a little unexpected. In essence, he said that the majority of gamers are guys, despite the audience, and they all want to play as their own gender unless the main character is a sex icon.

To his first argument I mentioned Tomb Raider and Metroid, to which he pointed out that Tomb Raider is obviously boasting sex appeal, and even the early Metroid games (I didn't see the evidence) portrayed her Zero Suit as sexual.

I'm going to ask questions, then I'm going to answer them, but I still want your input, too.

First question:

In a video game of an arbitrary genre (or even a book), would you rather play/read about someone of your own gender? The opposite gender? Don't think it makes a difference if done well?

Honestly, I fall in the third. When reading, though, it's nice to be able to relate to the main character, but when playing a game, I like to feel like I should like the main character in a less personal way, if that makes sense.

Second question:

How do you see gender roles represented in video games? What would be a nice twist?

I'm getting tired of the space-marine badass guy, or the sex-icon woman. That only creates shallow characters. I like mixing things up, giving people specific quirks that are both likable and flawed. This is how I do my writing. But how different are video games?

Third question:

I always say "Cliches exist for a reason". Do you think this should remain true for gender roles in video games? Or would you think that an independent woman leading the story would be a nice break?

Again, I'm sick of how 90% of video games represent women as half naked and incapable. I've seen men appear in many different kinds, but there are few notable female characters who have nothing to do with sex appeal. Unless you count Touhou, but fans will be fans.

Fourth question:

Do you think that an independent teen girl would make a realistic protagonist for a game centered around simulated life, combat, imminent danger, and futuristic machinery? Would the sole fact that she's female deter you from playing it, despite the game's content? I'd like your honest opinion here, and I won't answer this one right off.

I've grown to appreciate your input, and I've realized that not everyone here is about trolling and the destruction of others for an ego boost. I've seen some very insightful conversations being held here. So long as criticism helps me in some way, I'll take anything you've got. Let the discussion commence.

Also, holy shit, there are 90 lurkers.


Taizen Chisou 12 years, 8 months ago

I recently wrote a comic book with a female protag

The females connected with her plight and the guys called her boyish-looking due to flat-chestedness so everyone won

I believe my point is clear: no breasts

Rob 12 years, 8 months ago

I believe my point is clear: no breasts

Yes. Make all your characters lolis.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 8 months ago

If you would like for me to be more serious, it really doesn't matter to me, because as I would see it, it really shouldn't matter either way, and it being a boy or a girl simply adds different plot points to the mix.

Boy is out trying to survive in an unknown land

Girl is out trying to survive in an unknown land

Which of the two sounded more interesting to you?

My answer was "either one," because either gender has the possibility of carrying the story equally well.

I happen to hate the cliche of manly men, buxom bimboes, so getting a level-headed and independent girl for a protagonist, or getting the sarcastic teenage average guy for a protagonist, would tickle my fancy much more than stuff like the Duke Nukem series or Bayonetta.

JID 12 years, 8 months ago

Gender doesn't matter to me.

Also, I don't like games that rely on the main character's sex appeal to draw in a bigger audience.

Castypher 12 years, 8 months ago

getting the sarcastic teenage average guy
Welcome to Terminys.

I'd love to post the story in its entirety, to show why I selected a female protagonist, and what situation she's in, but I'm certain few people would actually read it. And I understand, too. We've long since moved from getting hyped over each others' games and ideas, especially when they're not far along.

I'll try to post some screenshots as I progress, and I'm not quite past the point of changing the character's gender so long as it works well.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 8 months ago

You see, I was already tuned into the concept behind Terminys. The design choices make it all the more better.

Sardonic protagonists? Yes please.

MMOnologueguy 12 years, 8 months ago

Make the main character a middle-aged lesbian with a flat chest. Like Kim Jong Il if he had a vagina.

LAR Games 12 years, 8 months ago

I remember reading a series called Sammy Keys in elementary school. I think that book did a pretty good job at making the character relate-able while being the opposite sex.

So, I agree with you. If done right, it doesn't really matter.

JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

I wanted to make a comment like MMORPGguy's because I think worrying about gender is BS.

Iasper 12 years, 8 months ago

When reading, it doesn't really matter to me. In games, however, I always like recognizing myself in the main character, which usually goes easier if they have the same gender.

Unique characters are usually more fun because they're personality is more complex and it thus takes longer to actually fully know them, which resembles real life.

While some cliche characters are nice, they shouldn't be overused.

As for the fourth question, why not? It's a game after all. And once I get used to it, playing as a girl won't really matter.