It's probably time to turn my attention over to the RPG comp. I was working happily on Lixim, but noooo. You guys had to let your attention stop at placeholder graphics. Well I hate everyone.
So rather than pixel stuff, I did some sketching. For those who missed it, I'm going to go ahead and stick with the title,
The Twilight Realm.

Quick description, I suppose.
KaleKale is the lead character, a pianist who was at a performance when he was pulled into a Twilight Rift. His class is based on the player's choice, out of a maximum of eight different classes.
RaiRai is your party leader, an assassin who specializes in sniping. She has lived in the Twilight Realm for months, and knows its ins and outs. She came from the same place Kale did. Quite energetic at times, she is domineering and doesn't think twice about killing.
AnkaA young hellbeast (not an elf, see Terminys) who suffered a grim fate before her spirit was engulfed by the Twilight Realm. She is a girl of few words, though quite observant and faithful.
EnemiesMy hands were hurting, so I half-assed some potential enemies. The Eventide are
kind of like the guy on the left, but a little more sinister-looking. They act as portal guardians who produce rifts to corrupt the world, and if possible, pull targets into them.
And the guy on the right? I don't fucking know. But he has hands.
This is the last progress blog I'm going to make for a while. I just felt like drawing. A few proportions didn't turn out well (Kale's hair, for one, and also apparently his crotch location), but I think it'll be fine.
loli Anka?
I knew I had you, Rob.
Good stuff. All these concept blogs keep me motivated.
Yeah, I think out of everyone, she gave me the hardest time. Though I did experiment with making her arms thicker and it just didn't turn out well.