Everyone else is doing it and I'm due for a product blog, especially since I haven't written a real blog since like S4D.
These are the tracks that I think truly identify my musical style. Some of them are old but I still think they're relevant. Tell me what you think.Swan SongThis is Anka's battle theme from The Twilight Realm.This one gave me a headache for a while because I was trying to capture a sort of forlorn feel and missed it entirely. The track name felt so fitting for a character with a swan aspect, who was doomed to die.I've been told parts of it resemble the song Butterfly, but I hadn't even listened to it until well after.Twilight Sign - NightfallThis is Shaion's battle theme from The Twilight Realm.I loved composing this piece because it was one of the few times where I was able to completely capture the feel I was going for. What's more is that the fight was timed, so she'd change patterns at certain points in the track.Akumazoku no ArashiThis is Mazoku's battle theme from a bullet hell shooter I'm collaborating on with Purianite.This one was a lot of fun. I tried to portray the idea that you're being toyed with by a powerful, demonic girl who utilizes games and confusion in her patterns. I woke up humming the melody one day so for all I know my subconscious probably jacked it from somewhere. If you recognize it, let me know, but I'm attached enough to keep it right now.There's just one part I'm not happy with yet (more specifically, 2:39), and I feel I need to add one more section.I had another track I was going to post but the instrumentation is killing me right now.Also, here are some unfinished drawings. Fuck hair shading.

Swan Song
Dude, not even gonna lie. This makes me dance. I can hear the places where you tried to bring in that forlorn feel, but man. I really really love this. If I recall correctly, I think you're the first person to make a drum beat that I genuinely love.Twilight Sign-Nightfallhel pretty much summed up what I wanted to say, but I think I like it. It's an inspiring piece. Makes me wanna run. I really love what you do with the piano in these pieces, and the choir (it sounds like a choir of voices) and orchestra are gorgeous.Akumazoku-no-arashiThe first chord: KH. This sounds like the intro to a bad ass anime, but it doesn't remind me of any in particular. I'm loving the synth, and once again you have an awesome drum beat. Man, I really like this one too…You have talent, sir. I liked them all quite a bit.Yes, that is a choir in both pieces.
It's funny. The Twilight Realm was very piano-themed from the beginning. I mean, the main character (and his girlfriend) are both pianists, the guy is pulled to another world during a concert, the music in the background is a creepy piano based on what he was playing, and best of all, I was able to end the game with a fun piano piece.This is coming from a guy who was forced to play piano growing up to the point of hating the goddamned instrument.If I were to pick an old project to go through and touch up, it'd be this one. I have so many memories and I learned so much from making the game. For example, the fact that my composition style tends to revolve around a "vicious piano" all started with this game.Thank you for the nostalgia trip, everyone. Now I feel like shit.Don't feel like shit.
You how many people here can't do what you do?You're not better than those people.But you're not worse either.Always remember that you're unique. Just like everyone else.
dude its crazy how you can make this without being trained in something like piano (unless you were?), your music sounds pretty complex, and in a good way. i just wish you used more interesting VSTs
Thanks, Rez. And I took piano lessons as a kid and did a lot of (forced) self-teaching, but nothing really worth noting. Anything I've learned in music has been from experimenting, from listening to tracks I find are catchy, and from asking a few specialists.
Don't know if it would help you any, but blackhole posted a list of free samples a lil while back - haven't been able to try any of them myself because software though.
Also I can't stop listening to Akumazoku no Arashi now. the clockwork beat is too addicting :(