Have a Music Blog

Posted by Castypher on March 10, 2013, 7:53 p.m.

Everyone else is doing it and I'm due for a product blog, especially since I haven't written a real blog since like S4D.

These are the tracks that I think truly identify my musical style. Some of them are old but I still think they're relevant. Tell me what you think.

Swan Song

This is Anka's battle theme from The Twilight Realm.

This one gave me a headache for a while because I was trying to capture a sort of forlorn feel and missed it entirely. The track name felt so fitting for a character with a swan aspect, who was doomed to die.

I've been told parts of it resemble the song Butterfly, but I hadn't even listened to it until well after.

Twilight Sign - Nightfall

This is Shaion's battle theme from The Twilight Realm.

I loved composing this piece because it was one of the few times where I was able to completely capture the feel I was going for. What's more is that the fight was timed, so she'd change patterns at certain points in the track.

Akumazoku no Arashi

This is Mazoku's battle theme from a bullet hell shooter I'm collaborating on with Purianite.

This one was a lot of fun. I tried to portray the idea that you're being toyed with by a powerful, demonic girl who utilizes games and confusion in her patterns. I woke up humming the melody one day so for all I know my subconscious probably jacked it from somewhere. If you recognize it, let me know, but I'm attached enough to keep it right now.

There's just one part I'm not happy with yet (more specifically, 2:39), and I feel I need to add one more section.

I had another track I was going to post but the instrumentation is killing me right now.

Also, here are some unfinished drawings. Fuck hair shading.

Look maw, no hands!

Oh, and I forgot about this remix that's essentially taken me a year on and off.

That's all for now.


Charlie Carlo 11 years, 7 months ago

I like your musics. Also I followed you on the cloud of sounds.

colseed 11 years, 7 months ago

more like look maw no pants amirite

That music though…it makes me want to do creative things and i'm too busy to do creative things right now argh why did you have to post this today of all days kilin

Swan Song once it gets going, and Akumazoku no Arashi after around 0:30…asdjfklj

Castypher 11 years, 7 months ago

Added another one that I've been meaning to post for a while. GIVE ME VIEWS.

Thanks for the detailed feedback, hel. I'll have to go over them and see if I can't improve them a bit.

Also,"vicious piano lines" is the most uplifting thing I've heard in a while, heheh.

sirxemic 11 years, 7 months ago

These are the tracks that I think truly identify my musical style.
You have a quite nice, also kind of distinctive, musical style. At least you have a style, I believe I do too much of everything, which makes me kind of lack a style. It may sound a bit weird, but I think your style sounds a bit Japanese, with some samples sounding a bit MIDI-ish.

Don't have much criticism atm because I am pretty tired and because all tracks sound very good.

Swang Swan Song
Lol I made that typo as well.

I've been told parts of it resemble the song Butterfly
I almost wanted to post how much parts of it resemble that song without actually reading that line :P

Also, inb4 Steven complaining how it's not a song.

Castypher 11 years, 7 months ago

Also, inb4 Steven complaining how it's not a song.
But it is a song. =(

but I think your style sounds a bit Japanese
I'm not sure I know what you mean. Any examples?

Also, to both Xemic and hel, I'm always in search of better instrumentation. Unfortunately the guitar has always been a huge bitch and really to get the sound I want, I need to find someone to record. Problem is, I don't have any friends who play guitar or anything and very few VSTs are worth checking out.

And just so you know, Xemic, I've always had you in mind when writing my drum lines because you once mentioned my lack of interesting hat percussion.

And, to those who say my stuff seems Japanese, Youtube says Japan is where all my viewers come from.

What the fuck, Japan.

sirxemic 11 years, 7 months ago

It's hard to explain and pinpoint. The tracks remind me of Touhou and the soundscapes sometimes remind me a bit of final fantasy music.

Also, https://www.dropbox.com/s/804lxc633hf1dae/swan%20butterfly.mp3

It sounded better in my head.

Castypher 11 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, I made that correlation after Purianite mentioned it to me. But I don't remember ever listening to the song before that, so fuck you, Xemic.

And I wonder what sounds MIDIish to you.

Also, as far as Japanese influences go, I guess I'm intrigued by Touhou tracks, but the only thing that's really rubbed off on me is the need for a melody, often a fast one, and apparent, sometimes sporadic percussion.

Castypher 11 years, 7 months ago

for(int i=0;i<&#8734;;i++)


Thanks a ton for all this feedback, guys. I actually thought reception would be a little lackluster and I didn't know if people would even listen to it, let alone have things to say.

Astryl 11 years, 7 months ago

Kilin… these are excellent. Especially Akumazoku no Arashi, and Swan Song. I'd download 'em if they were downloadable :P

EDIT: Seriously. Add download links :P

I want to add these to my programming playlist.

Kamira 11 years, 7 months ago

I really enjoyed Swan Song PIECE.

The piano in the beginning of Nightfall reminded me of the battle theme from Pokemon Colosseum. I also really enjoyed this.

but I think your style sounds a bit Japanese
I'm too lazy to listen far into these, but I'd imagine it's a combination of the instruments used, pentatonics, and perhaps parallel fourths.

Dangit this all is awesome. I need to get back to composing…