Nanowrimo July 2013

Posted by Castypher on June 27, 2013, 3:59 p.m.

So for all you writers out there, you might be familiar with National Novel Writing Month, or Nanowrimo for short. If you're not, it's an opportunity to write a novel in a single month with thousands of other people who are going for the same goal.

While it's usually set in November, they do like to do one or two during the summer as well. The site is here:

Camp Nanowrimo has one big difference from the main event, and that's the matchmaking portion, where you're assigned into "cabins" of people who are writing similar stories.

I remember we had a few people participating last November, including myself and marbs, and since it's summer and a lot of stuff has died down, I'd like to see who's interested in participating this next month, and see if we can have a place to share ideas and frustrations with each other, and maybe even have some critique sessions.


Today is the 27th, and the event spans all of July, so there's not a whole lot of time left to come up with an idea. The goal is to meet 50,000 words, which is 1,667 words a day. It's a difficult challenge that not everyone can make, but it does feel good when you come out having finished something.

And that's only the beginning!

Post here with your Nanowrimo IDs too, so we can buddy up.


colseed 11 years, 3 months ago

I sort of want to try this, but have a feeling I'd write too slow. Also novels are long and I've only ever finished fairly short short stories.

Plus I'm supposed to be coding this month.


edit: That short story event thing sounds fun though, I'd def go for that as long as it's before school starts again.

F1ak3r 11 years, 3 months ago

Guys, remember to put each others' usernames in the "Cabin Settings" form so we can get one of those. I've no real idea what a cabin is, but it might be cool.

Also, prospective entrants: though Nanowrimo is usually about writing a 50k word novel, take note that in this event, you can set a custom word count goal. I've gone with 25k so I have some breathing space.

Quote: panzer
Maybe we could host something similar where we're only asked to write a 3,000-word short story within that time. That's 100 words a day, I feel like honestly we'd end up with something a lot more polished, inspired, and, most importantly, completed.

The idea of Nano is really just to toss up words and edit later. It helps overcome that crippling self-criticism where you spend a day labouring and agonising over a page and then throw it away. You write with as little rereading and editing as possible, and while that means the novels that come out of these events are in a very, very rough first draft state and you'll probably edit out a whole lot, there will be some good stuff in there that you may not have gotten otherwise.

But then, everyone has their own process.

Come one, come all, give yourself a lower wordcount and save us the hassle of having to actually host an event!

Rez 11 years, 3 months ago

fuck, maybe I should actually do this this time

colseed 11 years, 3 months ago

custom word count goal
Well then.

Castypher 11 years, 3 months ago

I put down Touhou soundtracks for my noveling music and was pleased to see colseed did the same.

colseed 11 years, 3 months ago

Yes, it seems you and Taizen subconsciously influenced me into liking Touhou. Such that I was doomed as soon as I randomly clicked on that first Deaf to All but the Song remix.

just so you know i'm never forgiving either of you for that k good

also i really hope i can edit these novel preferences later because if i'm stuck with a novel description of "Still outlining; get back to you on that, yeah?" it's gonna be a bad time

Castypher 11 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, I found Touhou through the music as well. Actually it was through a TF2 video that used the U.N.Owen Was Her? track. I was addicted after that.

And yeah, you can edit novel prefs. They don't expect you to have a synopsis and excerpt before the event even begins.


fuck, maybe I should actually do this this time
+1 Rez if you want to see a fucked up masterpiece story.

Except it wouldn't be the same without his art….

marbs 11 years, 3 months ago

July is too busy for me to enter this one, but a short story contest sounds enjoyable to me.

panzercretin 11 years, 3 months ago


Iasper 11 years, 3 months ago

Made an account called Iasper, added everyone listed in here to my cabin.