64Completition Submission Guidelines (Progress Check 8)

Posted by Castypher on July 6, 2013, 5:49 p.m.

The deadline is this Friday, July 12th, at 11:00 PM GMT. There will be a little leniency, but please be reasonable.

In this final week I want you to try and tie up as many loose ends as possible, even if you didn't add all the features or fix all the bugs you'd intended. Just make sure the game is playable from start to finish. Minor bugs are fine. Game-breaking bugs should also be listed in your submission along with a means for avoiding them, if possible. I will not decline any submissions, but I will be testing each of these and adding my own notes to them.

Here's how I want the games submitted. Send me a PM with the following information:

- The game title

- The game creator(s)

- The game as a zipped attachment (please upload, don't use the 64Digits game submission)

- A single preview screenshot is recommended

- A brief description of the game (you need to have this ready if you're participating in the bundle)

- Any necessary controls, if not explained in-game

- Notes that you might not have made apparent in the game or documentation

- Major bugs, and how to circumvent them, if possible

- Any minor bugs you want to mention

- Questions for the players

Since most of my judges are too busy or difficult to get a hold of, I'll be opening up judging to the participants. In addition to the submission, over the next few weeks each entrant will be required to play and provide feedback on five or more games. You can do this in the comments. Feedback does NOT include one-liners like "This is great!". The point is to help others by providing a critical, constructive view, just as you'll be receiving help from others.

I will be the judge of which games need more feedback, and who's not pulling their weight in those terms, but I will also personally provide feedback on each of the entries.

Non-participants are also allowed to provide feedback, and this is greatly appreciated. But for those of you who think five games is too much, these aren't necessarily full-blown games and you're not expected to play the entire thing. However, you are encouraged to play as much as you can, as your feedback may give someone the motivation they need to finish.

Once the deadline strikes, you'll be given an additional month to polish your game and remove those pesky bugs. During this time, you should also:

- Take into account the feedback you've received

- Net some good quality screenshots or teaser images

- Produce a trailer of some sort

- Have box art or a logo ready

Good luck, gentlemen, and don't be too stressed about the deadline. I'll be flexible with it as long as I can see you're trying hard.


Pirate-rob 11 years, 3 months ago

Do we submit here or are you gonna post a blog for it Kilin?

Edit: Nvm, read the main post.

Kunedon 11 years, 3 months ago

Can't wait to see what others have cooked up for me to play.

Castypher 11 years, 3 months ago

Just so everyone is aware, I've decided not to post another blog about the submission since all the information seems to be here. I've received a lot of submissions already, and due to organization, personal playthroughs, and work-related stuff, the games will be posted on Monday. For those of you who are frantic to submit, this does mean you have a little while longer to patch things up. Let's just not submit a week late, yeah? You'd be depriving yourself of some pretty good feedback.

Pirate-rob 11 years, 3 months ago

Kilin, I sent you a question with my submission, take it you probably haven't read it?