64Digits Completition Feeler Blog

Posted by Castypher on June 2, 2014, 12:06 p.m.

Judging by the site's recent activity, this definitely isn't a good time for another event. But I've had quite a few people asking when the next Completition was. Even though I wanted to give people a break from the last comp, so far it's mostly been those participants who have approached me. Also, it's been a month since 64DSC ended, and I like making use of my summer.

So for those of you who weren't around this time last year….

The Completition is an event where everyone gets together and makes games solely for the purpose of finishing something. The goal of every participant is to pick a game that they can realistically finish within the allotted time. The thing that sets this apart from other competitions (aside from no prizes) is that you can enter any game, no matter its progress, as long as you think you can finish it, or at least make substantial progress that puts you that much closer to finishing it. Because of this, there are no rules on when you're allowed to start, but the event will still end at a specific time, at which point I'll compile the games and put up a file containing all of them.

If for some strange reason you have no unfinished games that you're ready to send into the world, you're free to start a new one. Additionally, those who entered 64DSC might want to consider entering their competition games.

Last year we had something like 17 entrants and 6 people who finished, giving us a 35% finish rate, more than double the average of most competitions. I want to see if we can get a similar number, so please leave a comment here if you're interested in participating in a prizeless event with a bunch of people who are trying to finish their games.

Additionally, if someone else had a competition planned this summer, speak up now. As far as I'm aware, there are no competitions planned until Scary 4 Digits 2014.

If you need incentive for participating, you may want to check out Cesque's Fire Point, which has seen a large amount of success on GameJolt and therefore on review sites such as RockPaperShotgun (here's one such review).

This is just a feeler blog to see if it'll be worth taking up a couple months of your summer. Hopefully we can get a decent roster before I go in-depth on how the event will work, and what changes I'm making this year. Please note that I'm not promising the bundle this time, which fell through last year due to some communication issues.

- Kilin


Quietus 10 years, 8 months ago

Last year we had something like 17 entrants and 6 people who finished, giving us a 35% finish rate,
whoa that's like double our normal success rate-

more than double the average of most competitions.
i know right!

i'm already in by virtue, or vice, of trying to finish an old game lately. :3

Kunedon 10 years, 8 months ago

I'm down for this. I know what game I want to enter for it, too.

Also reading the title of this blog made me think of this for some lame reason:

Charlie Carlo 10 years, 8 months ago


Last year we had something like 17 entrants and 6 people who finished, giving us a 35% finish rate, more than double the average of most competitions.
I'll join then to keep our standards so low.

Astryl 10 years, 8 months ago

I have no idea whether I'll be able to join this or not. My workload has been hectic recently.

Castypher 10 years, 8 months ago

Like last year, I'll be joining, only I won't enter TTR. I'll probably choose one of my simpler games like Love Egg Simulator (which I probably couldn't actually finish), Phantasmal Dissonance, or Anima. We'll see when the time comes.

Just so everyone is aware, if we get enough people, the event will pretty much start immediately, but I'd love to take peoples' preferred start and end dates (as long as it's before the summer ends).

colseed 10 years, 8 months ago

the last compo was horribly timed

this one is not

Quietus 10 years, 8 months ago

July 31st or August would work for me, as an end date. Two months feels less cramped than a month or so.

Technically if we're just picking up projects that already exist, there is no typical "start" date :P Unless i'm forgetting some important rule lol.

Acid 10 years, 8 months ago

Good shit. I have a 3 month plan I'm working out, so no deal there, but I think it's a good idea.

And you can lick my bumhole colseed. :(

spike1 10 years, 8 months ago

I already did something like this with my game lol, and am going to be very busy with STS now so I'll be out of competition zone for a bit. None the less, hope this goes well :D.

Jawchewa 10 years, 8 months ago

If anyone is super anxious to join a competition right now, there's one going on at


I was thinking about joining it, myself.