…2006 hours remain…
So yesterday I got some stuff done, then around noon I just went and watched Psych
e because I was too delirious to sprite anymore. I finished all of Vector's animations (though I might touch some up), the UI (except for the portrait and level), health bar, mana bar, and most of a font.
Here's some screens.

The trim on the interface changes color depending on what character is active.
The big beveled square will, at some point, house a character portrait. Health fades from orange to red, and the mana fades from whatever-the-trucking-color-that-Taizen-chose-is to blue.

The font's a bit big, but I like it. For things that require a smaller font (like stats and whatnot) I can make a smaller version of this font. There's no numbers, lower case letters, or punctuation other than quotes yet. I'm still debating on whether or not to add lower-case letters.
Well, that's all I got.
What is Psyche about? Because I watch a program called Psych and it's pretty cool. :P
Sorry, for some reason when I see 'psych' it looks like it should be pronounced "Psi-tch"
Font's great. But I would like lowercase letters.
So we're not going to have numbers in the HUD?Oh, wait, maybe I can stick tiny numbers inside the bars.I guess the basic thing about the bars would be orange-red, blue-redBut not blue-purple-red :Vlike how it is in Genius of SappheirosAfter browsing around the 64DD a while and looking on other people's entry mockups/progress, I sort of get this impression:
1) Unlike the GMC, people can actually do neat graphics here.2) Nobody is planning to make an actual RPG, instead everyone is making a platform/beat-em-up game with RPG elementsYou've done a really neat character graphic there… do you sprite it manually, or do you cheat and use a scanner? =P The background is not really the same class, though… I think those bricks would look a lot neater with some chips out of them and roughened surface in general.The font is pretty neat, but it's a bit hard to tell the Ps and Rs apart.I do sketch/scan the first frames of the idle animations, everything beyond that is derivative. I animate by drawing a new frame or what changes in a frame, with true yellow over the previous frame, then I redraw it accordingly.
I'll probably change the tiles further down the line. For now, they do the job.To be precise, I put an =P after my statement to imply I wasn't entirely serious.
But I'm personally into 16x16 pixel art and is a "gameplay>graphics" gal so I'm a bit biased in the matter. (Plus I'm jealous because I don't have access to a scanner.)EDIT: Hmm… I really come off as someone being evil/annoying/trolling around here… I'm not really good at the social bit. -__-*I think she means for the competition.
I'm assuming you're female, Yaru, because your avatar has tits.I'm assuming those are tits.Pssh.
Probably not female.There are no women on the internet.