Settle and Other Things

Posted by Charlie Carlo on May 21, 2012, 9:35 a.m.

Aside from the RPG competition, and playing an unhealthy amount of Diablo 3, I've also been working on a game called Settle.

It's a world-based Metroidvania shooter game, based on an alien spacecraft. Throughout the game you obtain new abilities that allow you to progress in the game. You will also be able to find hidden upgrade points that allow you to tweak abilities you already have.

Your weapon is an alien firearm that has the ability to switch between two fire modes; Rifle and Cannon. Rifle mode shoots single bullets (depending on what upgrades you have), which is good for accuracy, whereas the cannon shoots explosive grenade thingies that are hard to aim properly, due to them being affected by gravity.

There is a script that sets the view size to half of the display size, and sets the port to the display size. HOPEFULLY, that will cause seamless double scaling regardless of resolution. (I gave it a try on my friend's computer and it caused some tearing between tiles, but he does have a beta video driver, so it might be that. I have some more testing I need to do on it.)

There's a redstone-inspired wiring system in the game. It's very simple; there are devices and power sources. Devices do something depending on whether they're powered, e.g. a door opening. Power sources power wire depending on whether or not specific criteria is met, such as when activated or when all enemies are dead. This effectively allows me to combine cause and effect in different ways.

This game is pretty advanced; there's some actual scripting in there, along with the D&D. Right now it seems a bit boring, there aren't enough different enemies and rooms seem long and drawn out, but it is quite early in development.

But that's all I got right now; I better go work on sprites for the RPG4D.


JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

I like JuurianChi girls with short hair and small boobs.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 9 months ago

We know.