Human stuff

Posted by Charlie Carlo on July 5, 2012, 12:53 a.m.

I tried quitting smoking. Not because I care about my health or any of that, but because I don't have any income right now. I cut down cigarette breaks by spacing them out a half hour more each day, but at 3 and a half hours I just gave up. I was so bored and mentally dysfunctional that I actually played Maplestory for twelve hours straight.

Right now I feel really alienated from people. I can't comprehend anything properly at the moment. I don't know if it's from the resurgence of nicotine or what. I'm trying not to comment on anyone's blog if there's too many words in it, because the more I read, the less I understand for some reason. Plus everyone on here speaks in some kind of 64 Digits language that I barely comprehend.

I feel like you guys all hate me because I'm new and don't know my way around here. Also I feel like that previous statement is the product of neurosis that I can't seem to get away from. At any rate, I don't even know why I think about this kind of meta horse-shit.

Every game I make seems to be riddled with game-design flaws or suffers from that indie disease of "High concept, low fun-ness-ocity." Settle's starting to look that way too. It's too fast-paced, and I feel like the way I implemented the combat is utterly flawed. You jump all around the room shooting at things that are flying straight towards you, which is kinda boring. Other enemies just stay in one place, and you can't get too close or they'll kill you, which means you can just stand on a nearby platform, shooting at them until they explode. Long story short, despite the many video games I play, I can never seem to pin down what makes a game fun to play.

I want to make a webcomic, but I want a better website to host it on, seeing as my current website is kinda shit. I have a few ideas. I was working on a prototype of a new personal website, but it's design suffered from the same flaws that my games do. I think my problem is that I try to deviate too far from the norm, instead of adhering to specific "genres" or "archetypes."

As for the webcomic, I like the layout of Homestuck, where there's a picture, and story text at the bottom. I want to do something like that, because I hate the usual comic set up where there's a bunch of frames stuck side-by-side with text squeezed into the picture somewhere. It works for silly, simple, joke comics, but not really for conveying a story.

Anyways, there's like… six different things I'm sure nobody cares about. Sorry if this blog doesn't make any sense, I feel like I'm at the precipice of some kind of lazy mental breakdown.


BP Scraps 12 years, 7 months ago

What is all this about? Not feeling awesome as an individual? Yeah, screw that.

You are super awesome man. You have some like super crazy art powers, and a unique style to boot. You've only been here for 2 months, and I haven't been here for that, but YOU sir are AWESOME.

And Escendophobia was sweet man. So sweet. I mean really. Put it on 64D. Seriously.