Spriting and Things Related to Spriting Maybe.

Posted by Charlie Carlo on Nov. 14, 2012, 2:50 p.m.

I've been listening to nothing but this album for about a week.

I just love how Mosley sings like he's hammered.

Actually, he probably is hammered.

Anyways, more to the point, I haven't blogged in a while and I wanted to share some stuff.

I haven't been working on Credence Filter, I've been doing a bunch of other things, including college work, looking for a job, and doing graphics for Taizen's age-old RPG.

I've been enjoying working on this game, I like the fact that I don't have to worry about anything other than graphics.

Here's some people.

They are animated.

Also this.

It's an umber hulk.

The S4D competition was quite enjoyable, both making an entry and playing the entries. My favorite of the entries would have to be Sector, I also liked Murderclown Salesman, but it was more pretty than dynamic. I'm happy to have participated, thanks for hosting it, Cyrus.

I'm hoping to play Ferret's post-comp version of the game, I want to find out what happens to Mr. Smallnamelessman. Speaking of which, I plan on making a Cinders post-comp version, I just don't quite know what to change/add yet.

That's all for now.


Charlie Carlo 11 years, 11 months ago

@Cesque, I see what you mean, she's supposed to be wearing weird glasses. I'll have to change that, maybe.

Also me and Rez aren't rivals.

I know this, explicitly, because hel made a blog about rivals.

Taizen Chisou 11 years, 11 months ago

cat-eye glasses aren't that weird :<

mikemacdee 11 years, 11 months ago

i love your sprite work. your people always look so neurotic.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 11 months ago

@Taizen, They're pretty weird.

@Mickmack, Thanks, I think I'm pretty neurotic, so it's fitting.

@Spectre, Probably because he's got a big sword, blonde hair, and his face is entirely indistinguishable from those of his allies. I don't know why the animations take so long to start playing, I thought it was just me.

Also, do you have any suggestions for this Post-Comp edition? Should I make it shorter? Should I make additional gameplay elements, more enemies? Should I redo the music? (I know some people said it was annoying, I'd feel bad if I changed it though, because my cousin made the music.)

Here's my current, official to-do list:

- Lighting up tiles

- Move the Restart button

- Add a terminal explaining the function of the E key after picking up the nailgun and airgun

- Fix broken sounds (IE, playing 20 times in one step, I'm not sure how to handle this.)

- Allow for delayed jumping (Jumping being available 1/2 to 1 second after leaving a platform)

- Derandomize Boss AI

- Decrease healing rate of Boss

- Make Ghost/Canary teleports more forgiving. (Probably make it so they can't teleport in the view)

- Make some moving platforms move a shorter distance.

- Lower the amount of enemies in the dreaded "Fire Corridor."

- Add some doodads (Bitches love doodads.)

- Investigate strange music-stopping glitch

- Cool, blurred background graphics (Because I wanted them, but didn't have time to implement them.)

- Add some sort of negative effect for wearing the mask

- Add a variable that stores your upgrade status at the start of a level, refer back to it upon death/restart

Cesque 11 years, 11 months ago

Maybe utilise the helmet on/off mechanic more? Like not being able to see ghosts with the helmet off?

Also, I'd say you could increase the power gauge, it was kind of annoying having to wait for your energy to come back just to repair one object because you pressed the button before being in the right range.

And fix the "bug" where you restart with a new weapon after dying even when you're in the room where you need to pick it up (it makes no sense!).

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 11 months ago

Maybe utilise the helmet on/off mechanic more? Like not being able to see ghosts with the helmet off?
I had considered that, but it'd be a pain in the ass switching between the two modes so often for fear of ghost attacks.

What if, instead, it blacked out the top and bottom of the view, so it's like you're looking through a small slit? You wouldn't be able to see too far above or below your. I could also cut a little bit from the sides.

And fix the "bug" where you restart with a new weapon after dying even when you're in the room where you need to pick it up (it makes no sense!).
That didn't even cross my mind. It's an easy enough fix, though, I'll definitely fix that.

Cesque 11 years, 11 months ago

What if, instead, it blacked out the top and bottom of the view, so it's like you're looking through a small slit? You wouldn't be able to see too far above or below your. I could also cut a little bit from the sides.

Depends how it's implemented - it could become too annoying, you know.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 11 months ago

Depends how it's implemented - it could become too annoying, you know.
I'm aware, but this is why I didn't implement more differences between the two modes.

From what I've seen, some people wear the mask the whole game, others only wear it when they need to, it depends on the player. I think it's fine the way it is, to be honest.

Glen 11 years, 11 months ago

Very nice