Unnamed RPG

Posted by ChessMasterRiley on April 25, 2012, 5:05 p.m.


I'm Riley from the recently formed Stark Knight Studios. Essentially, I'll provide interfacing between our team and the rest of the world! In any case, we're utterly stoked for the RPG competition coming up - as such, I've began mockup/concept sketching.

I'll post more as we continue creatively prepping for the upcoming competition. I fully hope mockups are okay to create prior the beginning of the competition - I figured as much, since we won't be using these actual images in the game. In any case, here is my first mockup to display a graphical style test:

We fully expect a good, clean competition, so we're not too worried about posting our ideas and progress here.

Best of luck to all!

Riley G.

Stark Knight Studios

Lead Game Development


Zhiko 12 years, 10 months ago

Looks nifty. And I'm pretty sure this counts as concept art, which is perfectly fine.

Mordi 12 years, 10 months ago

Looks pretty cool! I like the coloring.

svf 12 years, 10 months ago

Art Design is nice. :3

Zhiko 12 years, 10 months ago

If I might make a suggestion, I personally think having the character's bow (I'm assuming that's a bow) in the little icon/avatar/display picture/thing on the HUD doesn't look that great. At least, not the way it is, since it's enough to cover up some of the character's face, but not enough to really tell what it is without knowing from seeing it elsewhere.

That's just me though, if you like it that way then by all means, keep it like that.

TheVladR 12 years, 10 months ago

When I grow up, I`ll be capable to draw this good. Honest !

I salute to your decision to post about the game from before the very start !

if anything, it should kick other people to higher gear (Look how far they already are ! We gotta push harder!).

Zhiko 12 years, 10 months ago

I think people are already too hyped for RPG4D, it will amuse me when people fall into crushing despair when they run out of time.

Pretty much everyone who has entered has posted about their game. It's just to varying degrees of detail. It can be hard to put enough content into a blog to give people an idea of what you're doing when everything's still in the planning stage. It's almost like trying to make a trailer for a game that's been confirmed for release, but hasn't had any work done towards actually creating it.

ChessMasterRiley 12 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for the comments, everyone!

@Spectre - I agree - at areas, I felt as though it looked rushed - the detail on the bridge will be prevalent throughout the game assets when I actually work on the game content. This was more of a big picture 'screen test',

@Zhiko - Yes - I added the HUD overlay at the last minute - I simply copied and pasted what I had already painted for the main character - it will be redrawn with much more care after actual game asset development begins.

Cesque 12 years, 10 months ago

My goal: Win the RPG4D competition.

My goal: Get the second place in the RPG4D competition.

Yaru 12 years, 10 months ago

I agree with Cesque. Oh my gosh, it seems my observations about the GMC getting "the place where all the noobs gather" are correct… so this is where all good artists have gone. 0__0

Seriously, I think getting over here is good for my ego. Being one of the best 2D devs around the GMC has really gotten to my head lately.

Um, nice art, by the way! Looks more like a metroivania with RPG elements than a full-fledged RPG though, but of course you shan't judge books by their covers or games by their cover art.

Juju 12 years, 10 months ago

We don't do fangames here. That's our secret.