School Officially Sucks

Posted by CoolGamrSms on Sept. 3, 2008, 7:21 p.m.

Yep, I've finally decided that this year of school is going to official suck. I have reasons, too. First off, I hate, 4 out of my 6 teachers, not a very good fraction. 2/3 of my teachers suck. Oh joy.

First Teacher:

Evil science, not a very hard class, but she likes to drone on and on and ON about shitty rules she has. What a waste of time. Have her twice a day. Double suck suck.

Second Teacher:

Oh joy, the worst class ever. American History. Well, this teacher already wants us to start on a 25 page book report (!!!), and from what I hear, she's a mean one. My sister had her, and apparently the teacher was just as immature as my sister (Ouch, that's pretty immature) according to my parents.

Third Teacher:

Accelerated english. Wewt, not all that hard. This teacher seems to have a lot of cruel remarks, and we've only been in for two days. Sounds like a bundle of fun for the year. I have her twice this quarter. (double joy!)

Fourth Teacher:

Finally, one of the few good ones. This guy (Finally, a MALE teacher) teaches algebra one. He seems a little wacko, but he's awesome. He doesn't have a ton of unnecessary rules, which these other teachers seem to love so dearly.

Fifth Teacher:

The other good one: Band teacher. He's totally awesome, and yeah. I think that's about it for him. He's good with music :D

Sixth Teacher:

Compter Literacy. This class is plain out BORING. What could be worse than Microsoft (Or, as Score_Under says, MicroSuck) Word lessons? Come on. I think I'll go die now. The teacher isn't horrid, it's mainly the class I can't get over. Oh, and the thing that gets me: Why teach me how to use PS3 when I don't have it? Quite useless. Whatever.

That's it, 8 hours of the day. Ouch, sucky. I hate school so far.

*goes and cries in a corner*



Siert 16 years, 5 months ago

Dude my classes rock! All sweet teachers, friends, hot girls.

AP English

AP Calculus BC

Study Hall

German IV



Gym (Fuck Yeah!)

OBELISK 16 years, 5 months ago

Dude most of my classes rock! Mostly sweet teachers, friends, hot girls.

Drama/Forensics (Fuck Yeah!)

Spanish I (My mom is the teacher, Ughrnrnrnn)



Art II (Fuck Yeah!)

Computer Apps (Ughgnrnrnrnnn)

English II

Omega_Squid 16 years, 5 months ago

meh. skool has been in for a month here…>_>

English III

HVPA (arts & humanities, BLECH)

Pre-Calculus (BLECH)

Spanish III


Political Science


Yay, now I take all my AP classes next year! >__________>

Kenon 16 years, 5 months ago

My classes are awesome!

U.S. History

AP English 3 (:D)

Spanish 3 (No me gusta español D:)


Theatre (YEY)

BCIS 2 (Finally have a class with the teacher! :D)

America (Fuck Yeah!)

Pre-Cal (LOVES IT)

Physics (LOVES IT)

drspazz 16 years, 5 months ago

My classes are awesome!

class Awesome






void DoAwesome();


SixWinged 16 years, 5 months ago

Haha, computer literacy.

melee-master 16 years, 5 months ago

Hah, nice one Dr. Spazz.

My classes:









Music Composition

F1ak3r 16 years, 5 months ago

My classes are okay, I guess. The real classes:

English (my best class)

Maths (relatively good)

Ad Maths (difficult at times)

Afrikaans (decent)

Science (my worst class)

Business Studies (copying down silly text)

Accounting (doing ledgers and journals)

And then the silly classes that just waste time:

Information Technology (how to use MS Office)

Life Orientation (pointless garbage)

Religious Instruction (listen to some guy talk)

Bryan 16 years, 5 months ago

My Classes

Chemistry (Not too bad)

Physics (Fail teacher)

French (I fail at french so it ain't fun)

English (Same teacher as last year, but somehow its fucking boring now..:( )

Maths (Teacher is good :3)

Nature Life and Technology (New subject, seems OK but we have to do alot)

Cultural arts (Dumbass teacher, waste of time)

Generic Nature Sciences (Good subject, if you don't have physics/biology/chemistry >_>)

Dutch (boring as fuck)

Biology (Not too bad, but I do have a nice class)

Gym (Fail, in the morning, sports gah)

mrmediocrity 16 years, 5 months ago

My Classes

Computer Programming (Java…)

Computing Concepts & Web Development (Easy)

E-Business and Information Systems (Boring)

Materials of Music (Hard)

Music Industry (Interesting)

Music in Popular Culture (Fine)

Music Technology (Awesome)