[D] I have a wobsyte.
Err, website. Anyways, clicky clicky click click click. Make sure to check out the games page there's 3 games there, not just 2.
Other than that, nothing special. I'm thinking about changing my username to Cosine, just for consistency with about every other website I have membership on. And besides, …[D] IDBC - POLLY
So, I've come up with a small plot for Polly. Polly is no longer the name of your character, but rather the planet on which this creature lives. Polly was a very nice planet, until IDBC came along. IDBC (Interplanetary Delivery of Boxes Company (The universe's version of UPS)) …[D] BOXES ^_^
Boxes are awesome :DToo bad they kill you D:Anyways, I've got about 10 levels on Polly, that level being the tenth. And no, those boxes wont be there. :( However, in the extra "PARTY HARD" edition of that level, the pillars will spew boxes! YAY! BOXES BOXES …[D] Polly
Been a while since I've blogged. I've moslty been playing Garry's Mod, or making a map for it (which is coming along nicely :D)
Anyways, I've started working on a new game! It's called "Polly", which is the name of your character.This is a little screenshot. As you can …[D] TEC Demo 2.
I have an available demo for The Essence of Color, but I'm waiting for the other one to be dropped off the front page, or a week, whichever comes first. However, I'll just post it here until that day comes.
DownloadWhat I've added:- 1 Boss- 6 Levels …[D] Mission trip.
Well, I'm headed off to Wisconsin to help poor people. I'll be gone a week. See ya then.
Now, because I don't want to get this tagged, I shall continue with ramblings. These ramblings (which I will now call rambles >_>) should be ignored by peoples whom wish to keep …[D] Blofgh.
Welcome to the very neatly organized Blogfh. Enjoy your stay.
* "NO U!" heard in background *———-Sapphire Tears———- People are finally playing it again, and the point server is back up, hosted on Reflect this time. You'll see me as "Cosine" on there. I made a few …[D] Shumps! 2 Progress report
Well, I have "Renovated" level 5-10, and added a new block: The booster. This will increase your upward or downward movement, Allowing you to jump into the underside of it and launch yourself into the air, which makes up for the staircase in level 9 that disappears in the renovated …
We had a suprise "Moving Away" party for one of my classmates, who is moving to Texas the 16th. I'm kinda sad, she's been at my school since I can remember. This goes along with sever other moving aways of other students, most of which I never gave a crap …
[D] Why do I need a title?
Meh. Not much, started a 2-D Portal-esque thingy, along with Hochkonjunktur, or "Boom" in German.Sapphire Tears:Normal stuff. The point server is up, and I went up to a blue-novice rank. :DNarbacular Drop:Almost. Best. Freeware. Game. Ever. If you are wonderig what Portal (by Valve) is …