The Jungle, pt. 2

Posted by Cosine on Jan. 8, 2011, 6:31 p.m.

All 80 levels are done. Rejoice! No point in really posting the progress meter, as it's just completely full. Either way, that leaves the following remaining:

-All Sound

-All Music

-More sprites

-All Menus

-All Cutscenes

-More polish

You'll note that 'story' is not in that list. That's because it's right down below.

There was a thriving metropolis full of colorful items, towering skyscrapers, and wonderful technology. Life was good. Color was life, and life was color. Technologies were used to convert the color into energy, powering the city.

A scientist had an idea on how to revive the dead, by literally injecting mass amounts of color into their bodies. This required mass quantities of energy. To test this, they tried it on one of their own kind.

The good news is it worked.

The bad news is that it destroyed everything. You see, the amount of the energy that was used to power up the city had mostly destroyed the entire landscape of the world. This meant that the entirety of the world's energy was stored up in a condensed space: just about the same amount that was required to revive the dead. It didn't just transfer color, it created it. Color was sucked right out of buildings. Their structural supports simply crumbled away, letting the buildings simply collapse into themselves. The city fell to ruins. The survivors were transferred far away to prevent further casualties. They used what little energy was left to start up a new town, distant from their former home.

In the debris, a someone formerly dead awakens to find himself in the ruins of a seemingly familiar place.

Anyhow, critique! I'm no writer, but I think it's a somewhat original story. I'd say that the game is at least 2/3 done.


JID 14 years ago

The story sounds good.

It was kinda funny how you started off the story sounding happy and cheerful, to dark and gritty and filled with death. D:

It sounds dark and twisted. I like it. >:D

JuurianChi 14 years ago

When can we playeh?

Mush 14 years ago

I really like your banner.

Cosine 14 years ago

Thanks, when I finish it, and thanks. :D