Dear Treyarch

Posted by Cpsgames on Nov. 17, 2010, 12:24 a.m.

Dear Treyarch,

Please focus on all platforms before releasing a game. We can see that the 360 was your lead platform, which is fine, but if you're going to release it to PS3 and PC make sure it's at least its not still beta material. It has many issues on the PS3 which is only giving Xbox fanboys a reason to criticize it more when it was clearly not the PS3's fault. It has been proven the PS3 can handle much more than what you threw at it. Yes, Xbox may be the larger player count but PS3 still has better hardware, so why don't you utilize it.

Not meaning to start a console war, but it is true. Treyarch didn't use any of PS3's potential. Not going to lie, I still love Black Ops, but it feels like I'm playing a beta release. The game doesn't run near as smooth as WaW or MW2, and I get match making issues all the time (and so do my friends).

Any other PS3 owners get this problem? Oh, and before anyone says it, it is not the PS3's fault. If you don't like PS3, that's fine. I think Xbox is cool and a good console, but I prefer my PS3.


Black Ops got stuck on a match loading screen. "Waiting for players…" bullshit. Liar! D=


"For the first time in a long time, a game is running better on the Wii than it does on the Xbox 360 and the PS3."

"I'm sick of all these damn racists here. It's African American Ops, damnit!"

So, a patch was released yesterday I believe. v1.03.

I've noticed a slight change in match making, but I get even more "Connection Interupted" than before. Argh, when will it be fixed?


Cpsgames 14 years, 3 months ago

Also, if the bugginess had to do with Activision favoring Microsoft because they paid them, wouldn't the PC version be better?
I didn't say it was buggy because Microsoft payed Activision. I said it was buggy because they focused more on the 360 release and half-assed the PS3 more than they did with the 360. Microsoft payed Activision for exclusive rights to the DLCs first just like with MW2. That said, that could be one reason why Activision focused on that release more than the PS3's.

However, seems their server-end issues (well, probably server-end) are pissed everyone off >=(. Haven't had that many problems with people getting kicked out of my party though, a few, but not an unbearable amount.

Majatek 14 years, 3 months ago


I'm actually quite disappointed with my console (The 360 Slim/Lite/Whatever) because the first one I had failed epically, decided to jam it's disc retrieval system (In the end I had to rip out the disc tray with a butter knife to get my game that was still stuck in there) and then replace it with a "new" one. I lost all of my achievements on my old hard-drive because I had to trade THAT in TOO.

Fucking Microsoft.

Then again, I don't really play console games apart for Halo REACH because I'm a total tool and I don't know what a good game is.

Cpsgames 14 years, 3 months ago

because the first one I had failed epically, decided to jam it's disc retrieval system
Had a couple of friends with that problem, actually. Me and my friends who play PS3 haven't had any. Though, I haven't heard any bad news from my friend who got the "new style" Xbox.

I lost all of my achievements on my old hard-drive because I had to trade THAT in TOO.
Wait… they don't sync it with your account? Or do you just not use Live.

Halo REACH because I'm a total tool and I don't know what a good game is.
Anything not Halo. =P Hell, I think CoD is losing it too. I just still stick with the series because I love Finest Hour, Big Red One, CoD 3, … etc.

RC 14 years, 3 months ago

The first Halo is the best Halo in my opinion. :(

Alert Games 14 years, 3 months ago

I agree with RC. Fucking epic. Then halo 2 was pretty fun also. THen……meh

Majatek 14 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, after Halo 1 it got old pretty quick.

KaBob799 14 years, 3 months ago

I just beat reach a couple days ago, the final mission was not as good as the final missions in the trilogy =p

Majatek 14 years, 3 months ago

The story of reach just pissed me off in general - the intro to the entire game begins with your dead Spartan's helmet on a hellish-like environment (Due to Covenant glassing the planet).

Great, that makes me want to see how I die. Such a wonderful thing.

Kat's death is disappointingly fail.


Cpsgames 14 years, 3 months ago

You know what has a good storyline but is a PS3 exclusive? Metal Gear Solid 4. It was amazing. The graphics were also sweet and animations real nice.

Majatek 14 years, 3 months ago

One of my friends showed me the game. I lost it It was awesome, and I agree - the graphics were polished excellently.