Dear Treyarch

Posted by Cpsgames on Nov. 17, 2010, 12:24 a.m.

Dear Treyarch,

Please focus on all platforms before releasing a game. We can see that the 360 was your lead platform, which is fine, but if you're going to release it to PS3 and PC make sure it's at least its not still beta material. It has many issues on the PS3 which is only giving Xbox fanboys a reason to criticize it more when it was clearly not the PS3's fault. It has been proven the PS3 can handle much more than what you threw at it. Yes, Xbox may be the larger player count but PS3 still has better hardware, so why don't you utilize it.

Not meaning to start a console war, but it is true. Treyarch didn't use any of PS3's potential. Not going to lie, I still love Black Ops, but it feels like I'm playing a beta release. The game doesn't run near as smooth as WaW or MW2, and I get match making issues all the time (and so do my friends).

Any other PS3 owners get this problem? Oh, and before anyone says it, it is not the PS3's fault. If you don't like PS3, that's fine. I think Xbox is cool and a good console, but I prefer my PS3.


Black Ops got stuck on a match loading screen. "Waiting for players…" bullshit. Liar! D=


"For the first time in a long time, a game is running better on the Wii than it does on the Xbox 360 and the PS3."

"I'm sick of all these damn racists here. It's African American Ops, damnit!"

So, a patch was released yesterday I believe. v1.03.

I've noticed a slight change in match making, but I get even more "Connection Interupted" than before. Argh, when will it be fixed?


Ferret 14 years, 3 months ago

I think the MGS series has great storylines, but for me I felt like MGS4 was a $!#% storm of complications as it tried to tie up it's complicated story.

Castypher 14 years, 3 months ago

The only Halo game I actually played was the third, and with my uncle. We skipped the story in its entirety and I have to say, co-op gameplay on Legendary mode was pretty fun.

Alert Games 14 years, 3 months ago

@Kilin: Yeah I liked Halo 3 a lot. Some people disagree though. I guess it was disappointing how every sequel was missing something from the previous, so none of them were truely 'the best'.

Back to COD, ummmm. Yeah i might just play MW2 once in a while. the game is fun as long as you play like once a week. haha.

Cpsgames 14 years, 3 months ago

I like Halo's storyline, its just Sci-fi/futuristic shooters aren't my thing. Dunno why.

I think the MGS series has great storylines, but for me I felt like MGS4 was a $!#% storm of complications as it tried to tie up it's complicated story.
It wasn't that confusing. But think of this, how epic would a movie be if they did it right?

Yeah i might just play MW2 once in a while. the game is fun as long as you play like once a week. haha.
I'm probably going to play it too occasionally because it had better graphics and ran really well.

LoserHands 14 years, 3 months ago

Yes it ran really good and its probably the easiest to play. I wonder what kind of players were left on MW2 though.

WaW a couple months ago.. was fish in a barrel. O_O

Cpsgames 14 years, 3 months ago

I got on MW2 the day after Black Ops was release just to check and only 100,000 people were left.

Also, you missed out on some funny shit. My friend went 32 - 0 and I went 47 - 13 and this guy went ape shit calling us cheaters. The next match he was on our team and wouldn't stop with it. He kept going negative, musta been jealous.

Kamira 14 years, 3 months ago

CoD would be so amazing if it didn't have the worst community ever.

Alert Games 14 years, 3 months ago

I agree with Kamira, but they really needed a few better maps as well though. in mw2 anyway.

LoserHands 14 years, 3 months ago

Holy shit a perfect 32? On demo?

I never remember hearing the word cheater from CoD5 to 7. At least not meaning more than being "meritless" by "hardscoping" in MW2 and such.


The MW2 maps for me were immediately intuitive. They never felt meager or dull either. But even though 16 maps is standard, I feel like Black Ops should've had more, even when I'm in the fucking Autozone, 2:1 Deluxe.

Cpsgames 14 years, 3 months ago

CoD would be so amazing if it didn't have the worst community ever.
No. Kidding. I'll join a match and randomly two kids (probably 11 - 14) will be cursing at someone for having a dumb username or for no reason at all.Maybe it would be a tad bit better if it actually used the age restrictions.

Holy shit a perfect 32? On demo?
Yup, a perfect 32 in demo. It was halarious. I mean, we could have saved the recording to prove him wrong.

Also, you'll need to play Black Ops with us this weekend. I just prestiged so I don't have shit for weapons, but oh well.