Underground Fortress of Rune

Posted by DFortun81 on Dec. 6, 2010, 10:58 p.m.

Well, the 64Digits Minecraft server just completed the Abyss underneath the underground bridge to the Fortress City of Rune. (indev)

Allow me to give you some details to how this city will be:

Guardian Force: Goddess Mitula, the same goddess from the shrine directly above in Gregg's Place.

Standing: Neutral on all subjects and accounts. All players while inside the Sanctuary must abide by this rule and ignore any internal / external feuding.

Defense Mechanisms: Should the city ever be under siege, the single bridge that connects Rune to the outside world will be destroyed.

Faction Leader Goddess Mitula, whose decisions will be enforced and let known through Old Gregg. (Imoldgregg)

Building Rights: All players using Rune and the surrounding area must abide by this construction code:

1. No part of your building may touch the ground below and must be at least 6 bricks from the bottom.

2. No part of your building may touch the ground above by at least 6 bricks from the top. (area reserved for expansion if necessary)

3. Your base may not disrupt the pathing used to get to other player's bases unless explicitly asking for it, in which case, an alternate route may be provided.

4. Your base / house must have a Cobblestone path to your entryway and a sign next to it proving your residence. You may mark the entryway as Public or Private, in which case, anyone that enters your home when marked Private may be killed for entering your domain after warning them. [Note: Does not apply to Imoldgregg or any of the Guards employing by Gregg's Place.]

5. You must be given explicit permission to build on a location and then mark your location with cobblestone. This cobblestone will be removed upon completion.

-DF81 "Imoldgregg"

PS: In Minecraft, call me Gregg.


Cesar 14 years, 2 months ago

oh god. Old Gregg, I remember that blog from god knows how long ago.

flashback 14 years, 2 months ago

But does your fortress have Bailey's?

Astryl 14 years, 2 months ago

Well… I've worked on it as much as I can DFortun81. But for the reasons explained in my most recent blog entry, I'm giving up Minecraft to start packing my stuff instead.